Lingua Franca | Award-Winning French Lessons Brisbane

French lessons, events & trips


Actus français facile

Our first steps into listening to French can be slightly harrowing. My mind goes to preparing DELF students for their exams by listening to authentic audio tracks. Until I hit play, they have no idea what they’ll be faced with: are they in a train station, at the supermarket, is it a debate or simply a couple talking about upcoming holiday plans?

A lack of context can be a true impediment to comprehension which is why I really love Radio France Internationale’s Journal en français facile*. The subject matter is international current affairs, giving us at least some immediate context.

The language has been pared back and slowed down for a global audience, and there’s also a full transcript you can use to follow along. If you’re really keen, you could even read the dialogue ahead of time to translate any unknown vocabulary before your first listen. If you’re short on time, though, I still recommend just popping it on in the background (if only for the opening news theme which makes me feel like I’m right back in France).

*News in easy French

La Petite Histoire

If you've ever done a group lesson here at Lingua Franca, you've probably come into contact with La Petite Histoire*. A tale with the very humblest of beginnings, it winds up becoming a rollicking schlockbuster as you move up the levels and your French improves enough to handle the outrageous (some would say impossible) turns of events of the six young friends.

La Petite Histoire is currently only available to our students, however La Préquelle is for everyone’s enjoyment. Below, another instalment of this new series, chapter 6 of the Intermediate 1 level.

*The Little Story | *The Prequel

“Bonsoir Simon, comment allez-vous ?” j’ai demandé alors que mon professeur s’installait à notre table de café.

“Très bien, merci Leïla, et vous ?” il a répondu poliment.

“Simon, je vous présente mon amie, Noëlle. Noëlle, c’est Simon, mon professeur d’anglais,” j’ai dit.

“Enchantée, Simon,” Noëlle a dit et elle a sourit. “Vous voulez boire quelque chose ?”

“Oui, avec plaisir, mais c’est moi qui vous invite,” a répondu Simon. “Que voulez-vous boire ?”

“Ah, un vrai gentleman anglais, je vois,” Noëlle a dit gaiement. “Quelle plaisir de vous rencontrer, Simon.” 

“Vous aussi, Noëlle. Alors, mesdames, vous voulez du café ou autre chose?” il a demandé.

“Un petit café pour moi, s’il vous plaît, Simon,” j’ai dit. “Merci, c’est gentil.”

“Toujours très sage, notre Leïla,” Noëlle a taquiné. “Vous ne trouvez pas, Simon ? Elle doit être la chouchoute de votre classe, non ? Vous ne préférez pas un autre vin, Leïla ?”

“Non, je ne peux pas, je suis désolée. Je vais devoir partir bientôt et on a déjà pris deux verres. Ça suffit pour moi.”

Noëlle a levé les yeux au ciel et a dit: “Simon, un autre vin rosé pour moi, s’il vous plaît. Ou prenons une bouteille ?”

Simon a fait signe au serveur “S’il vous plaît !”. Le serveur est venu tout de suite. “Un café et un pitcher de vin rosé avec deux verres, s’il vous plaît. Et les toilettes sont en bas ?” il a demandé.

“Oui, monsieur,” il a répondu. “Juste derrière le bar.”

“Simon, quand vous allez aux toilettes, est-ce que ça vous dérange si on change de chaises ? Je voudrais bien profiter des dernières minutes de soleil,” Noëlle a dit.

“Bien sûr, Noëlle,” Simon a dit. C’est vrai, c’est un gentleman, Simon.

“Merci beaucoup,” Noëlle a dit et elle s’est levée pour changer de chaises. Elle portait une mini-jupe rayée avec de longues bottes blanches. Elle regardait Simon et elle a dit: “Une autre raison pour apprécier les Anglais - les mini-jupes. Mary Quant est anglaise, n’est-ce pas, Simon ? J’adore porter les mini-jupes. Je me sens tellement libérée !”

Simon a rougi un petit peu et il s’est excusé pour aller aux toilettes.

“Noëlle,” j’ai dit. “Arrête ! Tu as vu son visage? Simon est timide, ne fais pas ça avec lui. C’est mon prof !”

“Ah, Leïla, calme-toi. C’est un adulte, et de toute façon, c’est une blague ! Oh là, là, parfois je ne comprends pas pourquoi on est amies. Tu es tellement sérieuse. En plus, il est tellement beau, je ne peux pas résister !"

“Good evening, Simon, how are you going?” I asked as my teacher took a seat at our café table.

“Very well, thanks Leïla, and you?” he responded politely.

“Simon, I’d like you to meet my friend, Noëlle. Noëlle, this is Simon, my English professor,” I said.

“Pleased to meet you, Simon,” Noëlle and she smiled. “Do you want something to drink?”

”Yes, with pleasure, but please allow me,” responded Simon. “What do you want to drink?”

“Oh, a true English gentleman, I see,” Noëlle said gaily. “What a pleasure to meet you, Simon.”

“You too, Noëlle. So, ladies, do you want coffee or something else?” he asked.

“A coffee for me, please, Simon,” I said. “Thank you, that’s nice of you.”

“Always so good, our Leïla,” Noëlle teased. “Don’t you think, Simon? She must be the teacher’s pet of the class, no? You wouldn’t rather another wine, Leïla?”

“No, I can’t, I’m sorry. I am going to have to leave soon on we’ve already had two glasses. That’s enough for me.”

Noëlle rolled her eyes and said: “Simon, another rosé for me, please. Or shall we have a bottle?”

“Excuse me!” Simon called the waiter over, who came straight away. “A coffee and a pitcher of rosé with two glasses, please. And are the toilets downstairs?” he asked.

“Yes, sir,” he responded. “Just behind the bar.”

“Simon, when you go to the toilet, so you mind if we change chairs? I’d like to make the most of the last few minutes of sun,” Noëlle said.

”Of course, Noëlle,” Simon said. It’s true, he’s a gentleman, Simon.

“Thank you very much,” Noëlle said and got up to change chairs. She was wearing a striped mini-skirt and long white boots. She was looking at Simon when she said: “Another reason to like the English - mini-skirts! Mary Quant is English, isn’t she, Simon? I love wearing mini-skirts. I feel so free!”

Simon blushed a little and excused himself to go the the toilet.

“Noëlle,” I said. “Stop! Did you see his face? Simon’s shy, don’t do that with him. He’s my professor!”

“Oh Leïla, calm down. He’s an adult, and anyway, it’s a joke! Gee, sometimes I don’t know how we’re friends. You’re so serious. Plus, he’s so handsome, I can’t resist!”

Breaking bread

If you’ve grown up in your country of birth, you’re likely so steeped in that particular culture that you’re unaware of the extent of the practices, customs and social etiquette you adhere to every day.

This explains why the first foray into navigating a new culture can make us so mal à l’aise* - there are just so many opportunities for embarrassment.

So let’s make a start by coming to grips with le pain* at least, in all its charming complexité*.

Un grand merci* to Géraldine from Comme Une Française* for this very helpful explainer vidéo.

*awkward | bread | *complexity | *A big thank you | *Like a Frenchwoman

SWOON Gorges du Verdon

From the point de vue* of a particularly long and cold Australian winter (we know, it’s all relative, but come on, it’s been froid*!), this is looking like le paradis sur terre*.

Located a two-hour drive from La Côte D’Azur and with shimmering turquoise water, soaring falaises* and peregrine falcons on offer, it’s yet another coup de cœur* to add to your wish list.

*point of view | *cold | *heaven on earth | *cliffs | *favourite

Manet vs Monet


Not sure you could pick a Manet from a Monet? According to this article, it couldn’t be more simple: Manet is people, Monet is spots.

If you need a bit more to make it stick, the trick may be in their names. The ‘man’ in Manet represents the people and the ‘o’ in Monet, the dots.

Voilà* (for a start, at least).


*There you go.

Why learn a language?

If you’re reading this blog, it’s likely you have your own answer to this question, but sometimes, when you’re knee-deep in the bizarreries* of the verb être*, it can be hard to remember why on earth you started in the first place.

A gently motivational response to the question by world-renowned linguist John McWhorter.

*quirks | *to be

A quest for happiness

Le bonheur* is both a beautiful French word and a noble pursuit, one which French philosophers and writers have pondered for centuries.

Grab a coffee and take the time to reflect sur ces bonnes paroles*.

  1. I recognised my happiness by the sound it made in leaving. - Jacques Prévert

  2. Happiness is everything that happens between two hassles. - Jean-Baptiste Lafond

  3. True happiness costs little: if it’s expensive, it’s not the right type. - François René de Châteaubriand

  4. Happiness is continuing to desire what one possesses. - Saint Augustin

  5. If you want to understand the word happiness, you need to hear it as a reward and a not a goal. - Antoine St-Exupéry

  6. To dream, that’s happiness. To wait, that’s life. - Victor Hugo.

*Happiness | *these words of wisdom

The first Tour de France

Given many of you will be collés* to your TV screens from the 1st July as the Tour de France 2022 kicks off, we thought it timely to take a look back at how it all began.

If you have cinq minutes* and an interest in le cyclisme* or even simply like history, you’ll really enjoy this short video from TV5 Monde Plus.

By the way, you can choose English or French subtitles, or, if you’re really courageux*, none at all.

*glued | *five minutes | *cycling | *brave

Sneak Peek into Le Nid

Quels sont les produits français les plus appréciés par l’équipe Lingua Franca ? Voyons*….

*Which are the French products the Lingua Franca team enjoy the most? Let’s take a look…

La Petite Histoire

If you've ever done a group lesson here at Lingua Franca, you've probably come into contact with La Petite Histoire*. A tale with the very humblest of beginnings, it winds up becoming a rollicking schlockbuster as you move up the levels and your French improves enough to handle the outrageous (some would say impossible) turns of events of the six young friends.

La Petite Histoire is currently only available to our students, however La Préquelle is for everyone’s enjoyment. Below, another instalment of this new series, chapter 5 of the Intermediate 1 level.

*The Little Story | *The Prequel

Deux jours plus tard, je prenais un verre avec Noëlle après notre leçon dans un petit café près de la Sorbonne. Il faisait beau et nous étions dehors pour profiter du soleil.

“Ah, j’adore Paris,” a dit Noëlle. “Cette ville est vraiment spéciale. Sydney est une belle ville aussi, bien sûr, et la baie et les plages sont magnifiques, mais Paris a une beauté qui est difficile de surpasser.”

“Tu te sens vraiment à l’aise ici, alors, Noëlle ?” j’ai demandé.

“En fait, c’est plus que ca, Leïla. C’est chez moi. Je me sens très bien dans ma peau ici. J’adore l’Australie, mais franchement, vivre en Europe me va très bien. J’ai très envie de rester ici.”

“Oui, Jean-Louis a dit que tu parlais de ça quand tu étais chez nous l’autre jour. Il a dit que tu vas essayer de trouver un travail ici pour pouvoir rester. C’est vrai ?”

“Oui, tout à fait. Un travail…ou un homme. Peu importe !” elle a exclamé.

“Mais comment ça, un homme ?” j’ai demandé, confuse.

“Ben, comme je disais à Jean-Louis, c’est une question de visa. Je peux avoir un visa pour rester ici grâce à un travail, ou grâce à un homme. Un homme français, bien sûr,” elle a ajouté et elle a souri. “Tu veux un autre vin rosé, Leïla ?”

“Ah, oui, pourquoi pas? Jean-Louis est à la maison avec les enfants ce soir. Je ne dois pas rentrer tout de suite.”

“Mais tu dois rentrer pour préparer son dîner, non ?” Noëlle me taquinait…je crois.

“Il n’est pas comme ça, Noëlle. C’est juste qu’il ne sait pas cuisiner, donc c’est plus facile si je prépare le dîner.”

“Mais c’est 1968, Leïla, pas 1938. Le monde a changé !”

Je voulais dire quelque chose, mais j’ai remarqué que Noëlle ne me regardait plus. Elle regardait Simon, mon professeur d’anglais qui traversait la rue.

“C’est ton prof, Noëlle ? Comment il s’appelle ?”

“Simon, mais - ” j’ai commencé à dire, mais c’était trop tard.

“Ooh, il est beau ! Simon ! Par ici ! Venez nous joindre !”

Et juste comme ça, ma vie est devenue un peu plus compliquée.

Two days later, I was having a drink with Noëlle after our lesson at a little café near the Sorbonne. It was nice weather et we were outside to make the most of the sun.

"Oh, I love Paris," said Noëlle. "This city is truly special. Sydney is a beautiful city as well, of course, and the harbour and the beaches are magnificent, but Paris has a beauty that is hard to beat."

"You feel really at ease here, then, Noëlle?" I asked.

"In fact, it's more than that, Leïla. This is my home. I fell really comfortable in my skin here. I adore Australia, but frankly, living in Europe suits me very well. I really want to stay here.”

“Yes, Jean-Louis said that you were talking about that when you were at our place the other day. He said that you are going to try to find a job here in order to be able to stay. Is that true?”

“Yes, absolutely. A job…or a man. Doesn’t matter!” she exclaimed.

“What do you mean, a man?” I asked, confused.

“Well, as I was saying to Jean-Louis, it’s a matter of a visa. I can have a visa to stay here thanks to a job, or thanks to a man. A French man, of course,” she added and she smiled. “Do you want another rosé, Leïla?”

“Oh, yes, why not? Jean-Louis is at home with the children tonight. I don’t have to go home straight away.”

“But you have to go home to make his dinner, don’t you?” Noëlle was teasing me…I think.

“He’s not like that, Noëlle. It’s just that he doesn’t know how to cook, so it’s easier if I prepare the dinner.”

“But it’s 1968, Leïla, not 1928. The world has changed!”

I wanted to say something, but I noticed that Noëlle was no longer looking at me. She was looking at Simon, my English professor, who was crossing the road.

“It that your teacher, Noëlle? What’s his name?”

“Simon, but - ” I started to say, but it was too late.

“Ooh, he’s handsome ! Simon ! Over here! Come and join us!”

And just like that, my life became a little more complicated.

La Petite Histoire

If you've ever done a group lesson here at Lingua Franca, you've probably come into contact with La Petite Histoire*. A tale with the very humblest of beginnings, it winds up becoming a rollicking schlockbuster as you move up the levels and your French improves enough to handle the outrageous (some would say impossible) turns of events of the six young friends.

La Petite Histoire is currently only available to our students, however La Préquelle is for everyone’s enjoyment. Below, another instalment of this new series, chapter 4 of the Intermediate 1 level.

*The Little Story | *The Prequel

Je me suis levée pour aller dans la cuisine et j’ai commencé à préparer le café. Je pouvais entendre mon mari, Jean-Louis, et mon amie, Noëlle, qui parlaient.

”Donc, vous disiez que vous voulez rester ici à Paris après vos études, Noëlle. En fait, ça vous dérange si on se dit ‘tu’?” a demandé Jean-Louis.

”Avec plaisir,” a répondu Noëlle. “Je sais qu’on ne se connaît pas très bien, mais Leïla parle de vous…oups, pardon, de toi beaucoup, donc j’ai l’impression de te connaître bien déjà.”

”Toi, aussi, Noëlle. Donc, tu penses pouvoir trouver un travail à la fin de tes études?”

”Normalement, oui, Jean-Louis. La Sorbonne est une excellente université, comme vous savez, et d’habitude, il y a beaucoup de demande pour les professeurs. Mais, avec la situation en ce moment, ça ne va pas être facile.”

”Comment ça?” a demandé Jean-Louis, “Quel est le problème?”

”Ben, l’économie ne va pas très bien, et par conséquent, il n’y a pas beaucoup de travail. Les étudiants ont peur de ne pas pouvoir trouver un travail après leurs études,” a expliqué Noëlle.

”Oui, mais tout le monde sait que les étudiants sont paresseux, Noëlle. S’ils veulent vraiment travailler, ils peuvent trouver un poste.”

J’étais toujours dans la cuisine quand j’ai entendu ça et quand je suis retournée dans la salle à manger avec le café, Noëlle avait l’air fâché.

”Ce n’est pas comme ça, Jean-Louis,” j’ai dit. “Il y a un vrai problème en ce moment et de Gaulle et ses ministres ne font rien ! Il y a même des problèmes au campus de Nanterre. Je connais des étudiants là-bas et ils ne sont pas contents.”

”Les étudiants ne sont jamais contents !” a crié Jean-Louis. “Ils critiquent tout, tout le temps ! C’est ridicule !”

”J’hésite à te dire, Jean-Louis, mais ils commencent à faire plus que critiquer. Ils s’organisent, et ils vont commencer à faire des manifestations très bientôt. Je suis d’accord avec eux. Moi aussi, je vais manifester,” Noëlle a dit avec beaucoup de passion.

”Moi au -", j’ai commencé, mais dans le même instant, Jean-Louis a décidé de parler.

”Ben, je peux te dire, Noëlle, que Leïla ne va pas faire ça, ça c’est sûr. Pas ma femme !

”J’ai rougi, j’ai baissé la tête et j’ai servi le café.

I got up to go into the kitchen and I started to prepare the coffee. I was able to hear my husband, Jean-Louis, et my friend, Noëlle, who were speaking.

“So, you were saying that you think you want to stay here is Paris after your studies, Noëlle. In fact, does it bother you if we call each other ‘tu’?” asked Jean-Louis.

“With pleasure,” responded Noëlle. “I know that we don’t know one another very well, but Leïla speaks about you…oops, sorry, you a lot, so I have the impression of already knowing you well.”

“You, too, Noëlle. So, you think you’ll be able to find a job at the end of your studies?”

“In theory, yes, Jean-Louis. The Sorbonne is an excellent university as you well know, and usually, there is a lot of demand for teachers. But, with the situation at the moment, it’s not going to be easy.”

“In what way?” asked Jean-Louis. “What’s the problem?”

“Well, the economy isn’t going very well, and as a consequence, there isn’t a lot of work. Students are scared about not being able to find a job after their studies,” explained Noëlle.

“Yes, but everyone knows students are lazy, Noëlle. If they really want to work, they can find a position.”

I was still in the kitchen when I heard that and when I returned to the dining room with the coffee, Noëlle seemed angry.

“It’s not like that, Jean-Louis,” I said. “There is a real problem at the moment and de Gaulle and his ministers are doing nothing! There are problems at the Nanterre campus. I know some students there and they’re not happy.”

“Students are never happy?” cried Jean-Louis. “They criticise everything, all the time! It’s ridiculous!”

“I hesitate to tell you, Jean-Louis, but they’re starting to do more than criticise. They are getting organised, and they’re going to start protesting very soon. I agree with them. I’m going to protest as well,” Noëlle said with a lot of passion.

“Me t - ,” I started, but at the same time, Jean-Louis decided to speak.

“Well, I can tell you, Noëlle, that Leïla is not going to do that. Not my wife!”

I blushed, lowered my head and I served the coffee.

TV5 Monde

With a fresh set of students enjoying the Club de Culture Cinéma series this term, there has been a lot of talk of les films français*.

We were recommended the TV5 Monde Plus site for its enormous gamme* of French content, from movies to series to docos, and there is even a French language section. A word of warning though: I couldn’t click on that option fast enough, but noticed it was pitched more towards native French speakers, so while interesting, it’s probably something to strive for rather than likely to offer any immediate solutions to your French défis*.

That said, there’s a great little animated series called Quelle Histoire* (we’ve mentioned the books in a previous post) which are a fun watch. There is also a brilliant four-season series called La Grande Explication* which serves up five minute bites explaining iconic moments in history.

La meilleure nouvelle*? There are English subtitles on offer, giving you the choice to follow along, or turn them off for a more immersive experience.

*French films | *range | *challenges | *What a Story/History | *The Big Explanation | *The best bit of news

Madeleine de Proust

Talk turned to madeleines* this week at Lingua Franca, which in and of itself, is not a rare occurrence.

However, for once we weren’t rhapsodising about their buttery delights, rather the talk was of les souvenirs* and what provokes them. Pourquoi*?

Because Marcel Proust, a privileged but poorly French writer, who was confined to his bed for much of his life, wrote of an événement déclencheur* in the first volume of his classic text À la Recherche du Temps Perdu*. That event was being handed a madeleine and une tasse de thé* by his mother as he was convalescing, and the taste of that delicious madeleine immediately transported him back to his childhood, when his Tante Léonie* would offer him a taste of hers after she’d dipped it in her lime-flower tea.

With the work spanning seven volumes and containing more than a million words, Proust is not known for his vitesse*. In fact, the madeleine incident occurs only on page 95, so it’s fair to say he’s not a man in a hurry. Nonetheless, the scene is widely recognised as the point where the book really takes off, as detailed in this excellent article from the Penguin website.

Proust had his fans (Virginia Woolf, Grahame Greene, Victor Nabakov) as well as his his detractors (Somerset Maugham, Kazuo Ishiguro) but it’s unlikely any of them would turn down a petite madeleine* if offered by a caring and affectionate aunt.

If all this talk of les pâtisseries* has served to réveiller vos papilles*, voici la recette* again.

Un grand merci à Kathryn* who brought this delightful sujet* to the table at her class on Wednesday night.

*a traditional small cake from the Lorraine region | *memories | *Why? | *trigger event | *In Search of Lost Time | *a cup of tea | *Aunt Léonie | *speed | *little madeleine | *pastries | *wake up your tastebuds | *here is the recipe | *A big thank you to Kathryn | *subject

The Olympic Games of Words

With Paris set to host Les Jeux Olympiques* in 2024, thoughts have turned to the safeguarding of French as the official language.

While in Australia it’s fair to say we’re a nation obsessed by sport, in reading this article you may come to the conclusion that the French drive that passion towards leur langue* instead.

A read that had me giggle at the get-go, frown a few paragraphs later, pause in contemplation au milieu* before feeling queasy at the closing sentence, I couldn’t recommend this piece more highly.

Bonne lecture*.

*The Olympic Games | *their language | *in the middle | *Happy reading