Lingua Franca | Award-Winning French Lessons Brisbane

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TV5 Monde

With a fresh set of students enjoying the Club de Culture Cinéma series this term, there has been a lot of talk of les films français*.

We were recommended the TV5 Monde Plus site for its enormous gamme* of French content, from movies to series to docos, and there is even a French language section. A word of warning though: I couldn’t click on that option fast enough, but noticed it was pitched more towards native French speakers, so while interesting, it’s probably something to strive for rather than likely to offer any immediate solutions to your French défis*.

That said, there’s a great little animated series called Quelle Histoire* (we’ve mentioned the books in a previous post) which are a fun watch. There is also a brilliant four-season series called La Grande Explication* which serves up five minute bites explaining iconic moments in history.

La meilleure nouvelle*? There are English subtitles on offer, giving you the choice to follow along, or turn them off for a more immersive experience.

*French films | *range | *challenges | *What a Story/History | *The Big Explanation | *The best bit of news