Lingua Franca | Award-Winning French Lessons Brisbane

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A quest for happiness

Le bonheur* is both a beautiful French word and a noble pursuit, one which French philosophers and writers have pondered for centuries.

Grab a coffee and take the time to reflect sur ces bonnes paroles*.

  1. I recognised my happiness by the sound it made in leaving. - Jacques Prévert

  2. Happiness is everything that happens between two hassles. - Jean-Baptiste Lafond

  3. True happiness costs little: if it’s expensive, it’s not the right type. - François René de Châteaubriand

  4. Happiness is continuing to desire what one possesses. - Saint Augustin

  5. If you want to understand the word happiness, you need to hear it as a reward and a not a goal. - Antoine St-Exupéry

  6. To dream, that’s happiness. To wait, that’s life. - Victor Hugo.

*Happiness | *these words of wisdom