Lingua Franca | Award-Winning French Lessons Brisbane

French lessons, events & trips


Compétition - je suis prof.

See if you’re able to find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences. The first Chouchou* to contact us with the answers below will take home a Lingua Franca grammar cheat sheet. Bon courage!*


*Teacher’s Pet | *Good luck!


Funny reflexive verbs

Reflexive verbs are rarely fun, but we find using them through colloquialisms makes them a little more intéressants*.

So, what do pelles*, sucettes* and encre* have in common? Not a lot on the face of it, but they do all make an appearance in these strangely funny phrases.

If you can’t remember what reflexive verbs are (or haven’t learned about them yet), they are verbs where the subject and the object are the same, so the action is ‘reflected’. That is, the person doing the action also receives the action.

For example :

Je me lave.

“I wash myself” is reflexive as I’m doing and receiving the washing.

Je lave la voiture.

“I wash the car” isn’t reflexive as I’m doing the washing but not receiving it.


*interesting | *shovels | *lollipops | *ink

Tout le monde parle français!

Many months ago, we included a post in a newsletter with a link to a well-known person speaking French. Vous, les Chouchous*, really seemed to like it, though we suspect the interest was somewhat amplified by the fact it was Bradley Cooper who was doing the talking.

We feel an une étude de marché* is in order, so here we are, another video for you enjoy with Matt le Blanc, Tom Hiddleston, Audrey Hepburn, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Serena Williams all speaking en français* (and with just a snippet of Bradley this time au tout début*, for the true fans).

*You, the Teacher’s Pets | *a bit of market research | *in French | *at the very start

Beurre d'Isigny

Although not a stand-out star of French cuisine like foie gras or confit de canard, the taste of le beurre français* is nonetheless sure to remind you of your travels.

There are three butters in France which have been granted their own AOP (appellation d’origine protégée*), which guarantees they will be produced in a consistent and traditional manner, with ingredients from specifically classified producers in certain geographical areas.

When we heard that Chouquette in New Farm will soon be selling arguably the best of these butters, Beurre d’Isigny, we thought it time to lift the lid on why French butter tastes better.

There are three main reasons for the goût supérieur*.


French butter typically has a higher fat content (quelle surprise!*). Where Australian butter usually has a fat content of around 80%, French butter can go as high as 87%, which accounts for its texture onctueuse*.


Isigny-sur-Mer, the town which gives its name to the butter, is an important centre of dairy production in Normandy. Apart from butter, Isigny is also the home of Mimolette, Pont L’Évêque and Camembert cheeses. With a mild, damp climate and proximity to the sea, les vaches* graze on grass rich in iodine and particularly beta carotene which gives the butter its storied buttercup-yellow colour.


French butter is also cultured, a process whereby live active cultures are added to the cream before the butter is churned. Though this process is now deliberate, in days gone by, bacteria formed in the butter as farmers waited to have enough cream to churn. In any case, it is the fermentation process that means the butter takes on its own lightly tangy flavour, and in the case of Beurre d’Isigny, leaves a slightly hazelnut trace en plus*.

*French butter | *protected designation of origin | *superior taste | *what a surprise! | *creamy texture | *the cows | *as well

Did you know?

Walt Disney’s forefathers came from Isigny (his surname is a variation on the town’s name). So if you’re ever at Disneyland Paris you can be assured the butter will be of superior quality, since, in a show of loyalty, only Beurre d’Isigny is served. More about Disney’s French connections here

What's on Netflix


Finalement* ! The fourth season of Dix Pour Cent* (Call My Agent) is available on Netflix. In a stroke of good luck, filming was wrapped up before Covid hit in 2020, but it has been a long wait for fans, with the new series only dropping le 21 janvier*.

We know many of you jumped right on it, but if you haven’t just yet, or if you’ve not seen seasons 1, 2 or 3, you are in for a real treat. It’s fun, fast and sexy and with real French cinema stars playing themselves with just the right touch of auto-dérision* it gives us an aperçu* of life inside a chaotic Paris talent agency.

One note of warning, please do not judge your French by your comprehension (or lack of) of the dialogue. Parisians are known to speak quickly, plus there’s a high level of slang, jargon and swearing in the actors’ rapid-fire exchanges. Nos conseils*? Just sit back and make the most of the exhilarating ride that is Dix Pour Cent.

*Finally! | *Ten Per Cent | *on the 21st January | *auto-derision | *glimpse | *Our advice?


I spotted this new series (also on Netflix) pendant les vacances*, a time when I traditionally spend a fair amount of time looking for good movies to see at the cinema. So I’m going to forgive myself for confusing this series, starring Omar Sy, with Lupin III, a recently-released kids’ movie based on a Japanese manga series.

As it turns out, both new arrivals are inspired by the French fictional gentleman thief and master of disguise, Arsène Lupin, hence the names of the projects.

For the curieux(euse)* here’s a Rolling Stone review that gives some more background on the intriguing M. Lupin and his clever ways.

*during the holidays | *curious

Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité

La Liberté guiding the people by Eugène Delacroix (1830).

La Liberté guiding the people by Eugène Delacroix (1830).

Those of you who have visited le nid* in recent months may have noticed we’ve named our salles de classes* according to the French motto ‘liberté, égalité, fraternité*.

It’s a well-known phrase for many French learners, but do you know its history?

Having overthrown the monarchy during the French Revolution (1789 - 1799), the revolutionaries were in search of a motto to unite the country. Many variations on the three words were bandied about and in fact Parisians took to writing a longer form on their houses from 1793: Unité, Indivisibilité de la République, Liberté, Egalité et Fraternité ou La Mort*. The inhabitants were soon asked to remove the last three words since it was too reminiscent of La Terreur*, the period of the French Revolution involving massacres and public executions.

It was only in 1946 when the three-part phrase we all know was stated explicitly in the constitution of the Fourth Republic that it become official. It is sometimes suggested that the three colours of the French flag represent the motto with blue for freedom, white for equality and red for brotherhood. Intéressant, non*?

*the nest | *classrooms | *freedom, equality, brotherhood | *Unity, Indivisibility of the Republic, Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood or Death | *The Reign of Terror | *Interesting, isn’t it?

Swoon : La Neige

Have you simply had enough of cette chaleur*? Refresh your spirit with these belles photos* of snowy French landscapes. Guaranteed you’ll feel un frisson*, whether from the cold or the anticipation of future travel.


*this heat *beautiful photos *a shiver


Alliance Française French Film Festival

After an especially difficult year in 2020, the Alliance Française French Film Festival est de retour* and from the bande annonce* it looks like it’s going to be an absolute cracker.

We’re waiting for the programme to be released so we can organise a film event for les Chouchous*. We usually choose a Sunday in April, but we’ll reserve our final decision until we’ve seen the entire sélection de films*.

I don’t know about you, but the idea of being transported into a French world for an afternoon sounds particularly enticing en ce moment*.

Croisons les doigts* that things remain stable, of course, and look out for an invitation in a future Le Chouchou News.

If you’d like to be notified as soon as the programme comes out, sign up to the festival website here.

*is back | *trailer | *the Teacher's Pets | *film selection | *at the moment | *Let's cross our fingers

Great Champagne Houses


Founded in 1829 by three men, one aristocratic and the two others experts de vin*, Champagne Bollinger is today one of the oldest family-owned independent champagne houses in France.

As a member of an aristocratic family, Athanase de Hennerquin de Villermont was unable to commercialise the family name, thus the champagne house was originally called Renaudin Bollinger, after local wine fanatic Paul Renaudin and his friend, German wine negociant Jacques Bollinger.

When Jacques married Athanase’s daughter in 1837, the bonds grew stronger and by 1918, it was Jacques’ great-grandson, also named Jacques, who was running the company. When Jacques died in 1941 without leaving an heir, the management of the house fell to Jacques’ widow, Lily Bollinger. Described as une perle rare* by those who knew her, she was nothing if not a master promoter of the product.

Lily Bollinger.jpg
I drink it when I’m happy and when I’m sad. Sometimes I drink it when I’m alone. When I have company I consider it obligatory. I trifle with it if I’m not hungry and drink it when I am. Otherwise, I never touch it—unless I’m thirsty.

For the first time in its history, Champagne Bollinger is now managed by a non-family member, Jérôme Philipon, though with the full support of the Bollinger descendants.

Image par Andreas Winterer de Pixabay

Image par Andreas Winterer de Pixabay

*wine experts | *a rare gem

La Petite Histoire

If you've ever done a group lesson here at Lingua Franca, you've probably come into contact with La Petite Histoire*. A tale with the very humblest of beginnings, it winds up becoming a rollicking schlockbuster as you move up the levels and your French improves enough to handle the outrageous (some would say impossible) turns of events of the six young friends.

La Petite Histoire is currently only available to our students, however La Préquelle is for everyone’s enjoyment. Below, the fifth instalment of this new series, which is written to a Beginner 2 level.

*The Little Story | *The Prequel


Depuis septembre, une journée typique pour moi est très longue. Je suis maintenant responsable d'un hôtel dans le premier arrondissement et je travaille très dur*.
En général, je me lève tôt (avant 07h00) et je prends le petit-déjeuner avec ma femme et mes petite filles, Anouk, Céline et Vivienne. Après, je me douche, je m'habille et je pars pour aller au travail. J'ai des réunions avec l'équipe* entre* les services et après je dîne dans le restaurant de l'hôtel. Après, je parle avec les réceptionnistes et nous regardons les réservations ensemble.
À 21h00, je me dépêche pour rentrer à la maison et voir ma femme avant de me coucher à 23h30.

*hard | *team | *between


Je suis mère, femme et étudiante donc une journée pour moi est très chargée. Je dois être très organisée parce que mon mari travaille beaucoup et il ne peut pas aider* beaucoup avec la maison et nos petites*.
Je me lève d'habitude à 05h00 quand ma petite fille se réveille. Je prépare son petit-déjeuner et puis je prépare le petit-déjeuner pour mon mari et moi. Parfois*, je ne peux pas prendre le petit-déjeuner avec Jean-Louis parce que les enfants veulent leur maman* et mon café est toujours froid!
Le lundi, mardi et vendredi je dépose* les enfants chez ma belle-sœur et je vais à l'université. C'est comme des vacances pour moi - toute la journée pour apprendre, lire et parler avec mes nouveaux amis.
Le soir, je fais le ménage, je m'occupe* des enfants et j'attends mon mari, qui* est souvent en retard. Je me sens un peu seule parfois. C'est pour ça que j'adore aller à l'université.

*to help | *our little one | *sometimes | *mum | *drop off | to take care of | *who

Une journée typique pour ma femme et moi commence à 08h00. Nous nous réveillons, ma femme se lève, elle prépare un café pour moi et elle retourne à la cuisine pour préparer notre petit-déjeuner. Je lis le journal et je bois mon café et puis je me lève aussi pour commencer ma journée.
Le lundi, mardi et vendredi, ma belle-sœur, Leïla, arrive chez nous avec sa petite fille, Anouk. Leïla étudie l'anglais à la Sorbonne (elle est très intelligente et déterminée) et Yasmine adore les enfants alors elle s'occupe d'Anouk pour Leïla. Ma femme va avoir un bébé aussi bientôt, mais elle est très généreuse et parfois trop gentille, à mon avis*.

*in my opinion


Je suis professeur d'anglais à l'Université de la Sorbonne. Je travaille du lundi au vendredi le week-end, j'aime aller au marché le samedi matin pour faire les courses pour la semaine. J'habite seule, mais j'aime cuisiner*, alors je prends le temps de bien choisir les fromages, de la charcuterie, du pain et des fruits et légumes.

Le samedi après-midi, j'écris toujours une lettre à mes enfants qui habitent en Angleterre, et puis je travaille. J'aime lire les rédactions* des étudiants en paix*, sans interruption. La qualité des rédactions est très bonne. Les étudiants plus âgés* sont les plus forts* en général. J'ai environ* 200 étudiants mais je ne les connais pas encore. J'ai hâte d'apprendre à les connaître*.

*to cook | *essays | *in peace | *older | *the strongest | *about | *to get to know them


Ma journée commence à 09h30. Je me lève, je prépare un café et je retourne au lit. J'étudie à l'Université de la Sorbonne cette année et j'ai des classes le mardi, mercredi et vendredi. Ma première classe est à 13h00 (je ne suis pas stupide) donc je passe le matin tranquillement* à la maison. Je téléphone à ma copine (elle habite en Angleterre en ce moment) et je lis mon texte*. C'est vraiment difficile. Nous étudions les poètes romantiques ce trimestre donc nous lisons Blake, Wordsworth et Keats.

Je vais devoir trouver un tuteur* je pense parce que je ne comprends rien! Ma copine essaie* de m'aider* mais elle est frustrée parfois et moi j'ai honte de mon anglais donc je vais mettre une annonce à l'université demain.

En plus*, c'est difficile de se concentrer en classe parce qu'il y a beaucoup de jolies femmes qui étudient avec moi. J'aime beaucoup ma copine, mais elle est loin*...

*peacefully | *textbook | *tutor | *tries | *help me | *Besides | *far away


Je suis très contente avec ma décision d'étudier à l'université cette année. Comme vous savez, j'ai un problème de visa et donc je cherche un mari pour pouvoir rester ici en France.

À l'université il y a beaucoup d'hommes intéressants et par intéressant je veux dire* beaux, intelligents et (très important) français. Je préfère être avec un homme de mon âge mais franchement, ce sont les professeurs qui sont les plus stables.

Je me dépêche le matin pour arriver au cafétéria tôt parce que beaucoup de professeurs viennent à 09h00 pour prendre un café avant le travail. Je prends une table avec des chaises supplémentaires, comme ça mon futur mari va avoir une excuse de me parler.

C'est simplement une question de patience - je vais rencontrer quelqu'un* bientôt, je suis sûre.

*I mean | *someone | *sure

Since September, a typical day for me is very long. I am now the manager of a hotel in the first arrondissement and I work very hard.
I get up early (before 7am) and I have breakfast with my wife and my little daughters, Anouk, Céline and Vivienne. After, I have a shower and get dressed and I leave to go to work. I have meetings with the team between the services and afterwards, I have dinner in the hotel restaurant. After that, I talk to the receptionists and we look at the bookings together.
At 9pm, I hurry to go home and see my wife before going to bed at 11:30pm.

I am a mother, wife and student so a day for me is very busy. I have to be very organised because my husband works a lot and he can't help a lot with the house and our little ones.
I usually get up at 5am when my daughter wakes up. I prepare her breakfast and then I prepare breakfast for my husband and me. Sometimes, I can't have breakfast with Jean-Louis because our children want their mum and my coffee is always cold!
On Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays I drop the children off at my sister-in-law's place and I go to university. It's like holidays for me - all day to learn, read and talk with my new friends.
At night, I do the housework, I take care of the children and I wait for my husband, who is often late. I feel a little lonely at times. That's why I love going to university.

A typical day for my wife and me starts at 8am. We wake up, my wife gets up, she makes a coffee for me and she returns to the kitchen to prepare our breakfast. I read the newspaper and drink my coffee and then I get up as well to start my day.
On Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays, my sister-in-law, Leïla, arrives at our place with her little daughter, Anouk. Leïla is studying English at the Sorbonne (she is very intelligent and determined) and Yasmine adores children so she looks after Anouk for Leïla. My wife is going to have a baby too, soon, but she is very generous and sometimes too kind, in my opinion.

I am an English professor at the Sorbonne University. I work from Monday to Friday and on the weekend, I like to go to the market to do the grocery shopping for the week. I live alone, but I like to cook, so I take the time to choose the cheeses, cold meats, bread and fruit and vegetables well.
On Saturday afternoons, I always write to my children who live in England, and then I work. I like to read the students' essays in peace, without interruption. The quality of the essays is very good. The older students are the strongest in general. I have about 200 students but I don't know them yet. I am keen to get to know them.

My day starts at 9:30am. I get up, I make a coffee and I go back to bed. I am studying at the Sorbonne University this year and I have classes on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. My first class is at 1:00pm (I'm not stupid) so I spend the morning peacefully at home. I phone my girlfriend (she's living in England at the moment) and I read my textbook. It's really hard. We're studying the romantic poets this semester so we're reading Blake, Wordsworth and Keats.
I am going to have to find a tutor I think because I don't understand anything! My girlfriend tries to help me but she's frustrated sometimes and I'm ashamed of my English so I am going to put a notice up at the university tomorrow.
Besides, it's hard to concentrate in class because there are lots of pretty women who study with me. I like my girlfriend a lot, but she is far away...

I am very happy with my decision to study at the university this year. As you know, I have a visa problem and so I'm looking for a husband to be able to stay here in France. At the university there are lots of interesting men and by interesting I mean handsome, intelligent and (very important) French. I prefer to be with a man of my age but frankly it's the professors who are the most stable.

I hurry in the morning to get to the cafeteria early because lots of the professors come at 9:00am to have a coffee before work. I take a table with extra chairs, that way my future husband has an excuse to talk to me. It's simply a question of patience - I am going to meet someone soon, I'm sure.

French Christmas Food

A French Christmas dinner is traditionally shared en famille* on the evening of the 24th December. True traditionalists will have a light supper before attending la messe de minuit*, then return home to the real sit-down dinner, which can last until 4am!

Florence from My Parisian Kitchen, a bilingual French cooking blog, has published her top picks for a traditional feast below, and though times are changing in France as everywhere, a quick straw poll au nid* revealed the team were plus ou moins* in agreement. Bon appétit*!


And let’s not forget le champagne*, of course! As per the My Parisian Kitchen article:

This is not a dish but is actually something you definitely have to serve for a classic French Christmas eve dinner. You may want to pour in crème de cassis blackcurrant liquor to make a Kir Royal. But if the champagne is good, there’s no need!
— Florence (My Parisian Kitchen)

[Read full article]

*with the family | *midnight mass | *the champagne | *at the nest | *more or less | *Happy eating!

Parisians try to pronounce English

One of the most valuable things about learning a second language is that it can give you more empathy towards non-native speakers of your own mother tongue. Watching people try to wrap their tongues around words we pronounce with ease probably evokes a different response now, compared to your pre-French learning days.

You’ll probably find yourself barracking for them rather than laughing at them, which could be worth bearing in mind next time you’re worried about making a mistake in front of a native French speaker, non*?

*don’t you think?

Wine quotes

With la joie festive* top of mind for many, see if you're able to match the French citations* to their English translations.


*festive cheer | *quotes

ANSWERS : 1C 2A 3E 4B 5D


If one of your Résolutions de Nouvel An* involves taking a more considered approach to your supermarket shopping, it might be worth downloading the Yuka app.

Created in Paris in 2016 by a small team of three who won a Food Hackathon competition, the app scans barcodes to break down the ingredients and nutritional value of products you’d find in the course of your weekly shop. It also analyses beauty products and gives ratings based on their potential for adverse health effects.

By the way, though the developers are cent pour cent français*, the name Yuka was inspired by the Mexican wife of one of the founders who is from the state of Yucatán.

[Visit the Yuka website]


*New Year’s Resolutions | *100% French

Name the francophone countries

Name the French-speaking countries in which you'd find the following attractions touristiques*. The first person to contact us with all six correct answers will win a Lingua Franca En Voyage guidebook.

CLUE: 115 islands make up this sublime archipelago in the Indian Ocean.

CLUE: 115 islands make up this sublime archipelago in the Indian Ocean.

CLUE: These surreal-looking gazelles are called les gérénuks and could not be plus mignons*.

CLUE: These surreal-looking gazelles are called les gérénuks and could not be plus mignons*.

CLUE: Sticky rice is a staple.

CLUE: Sticky rice is a staple.

CLUE: The Historic Old Quarter was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994.

CLUE: The Historic Old Quarter was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994.

CLUE: Caught between two countries who enjoy a serious love/hate relationship. Starts with ‘G’.

CLUE: Caught between two countries who enjoy a serious love/hate relationship. Starts with ‘G’.

CLUE: This destination is home to a significant Tamul community.

CLUE: This destination is home to a significant Tamul community.


La Petite Histoire

If you've ever done a group lesson here at Lingua Franca, you've probably come into contact with La Petite Histoire*. A tale with the very humblest of beginnings, it winds up becoming a rollicking schlockbuster as you move up the levels and your French improves enough to handle the outrageous (some would say impossible) turns of events of the six young friends.

La Petite Histoire is currently only available to our students, however La Préquelle is for everyone’s enjoyment. Below, the fifth instalment of this new series, which is written to a Beginner 1 level.

*The Little Story | *The Prequel


Après le travail ce soir, je vais rentrer tout de suite*. J'ai une excellente nouvelle* et je veux* parler avec ma femme. En septembre, je vais recevoir une promotion! Je vais devenir responsable de l'hôtel où je travaille et je suis très enthousiaste*. Peut-être* dans le futur je vais pouvoir acheter un hôtel, mais pour le moment le plan est de faire un bon travail. Naturellement*, je vais travailler un peu plus, mais heureusement* ma femme va rester à la maison avec nos enfants.

*straight away | *piece of news | *I want | *Perhaps | *Naturally | *luckily/fortunately


Aujourd'hui, je suis très, très contente. En général, je suis contente mais récemment* je suis un peu frustrée*. J'adore mes filles (Anouk a deux ans et les jumelles* ont trois mois) et j'adore être mère mais j'adore aussi la culture, les langues* et franchement*, les adultes. Donc, je vais aller à l'université pour étudier une licence en lettres*. Je vais continuer à apprendre* l'anglais: la littérature et la langue. Je suis très enthousiaste et je suis sûre que mon mari va être content aussi.

*recently | *frustrated | *twins |*languages | *frankly | *Bachelor of Arts | *to learn

Il est 09h45 et nous allons partir bientôt. Nous allons aller chez le médecin à 10h30 parce que nous avons un rendez-vous. Ma femme et moi allons avoir un bébé cette année et le médecin va faire un contrôle*. Après, nous allons aller à un petit restaurant près de notre appartement pour le déjeuner. C'est fantastique parce que c'est notre premier enfant et ma femme, Amina, va rester à la maison et je vais continuer à travailler. Heureusement, elle aime beaucoup ma sœur Leïla. Elle a déjà* des enfants et Leïla va pouvoir* aider Amina avec des conseils*.

*a check-up | *already | *to be able to/can | *some advice


Alors, c'est officiel*. Je vais retourner à Paris pour travailler à l'Université de la Sorbonne en septembre. Je suis en Angleterre en ce moment avec mes enfants mais je vais partir dans deux ou trois semaines pour trouver un appartement dans le cinquième ou sixième arrondissement. Je vais être triste de quitter* mes enfants mais c'est nécessaire malheureusement*. C'est impossible de trouver un poste* ici en ce moment. Et j'adore Paris, c'est vrai, c'est juste* difficile pour mes enfants.

*it's official | *to leave | *unluckily/unfortunately | *a position | *just


En septembre je vais étudier* l'anglais à l'Université de la Sorbonne. Moi! Un étudiant! C'est incroyable. Normalement*, je préfère faire la fête, c'est vrai, mais ma copine* est anglaise alors je veux parler bien anglais. Je dois* faire quelque chose*. Elle est actrice et elle travaille avec des collègues anglais et je n'aime pas quand on va aux restaurants ensemble et je ne comprends pas la conversation. Je n'aime pas beaucoup étudier, mais j'adore Alexandra. En plus*, mes parents disent que je dois faire quelque chose avec ma vie*.

*to study | *Usually | *my girlfriend | *I must | *something | *And plus | *my life


Je vais retourner à l'université en septembre et je suis très enthousiaste. Je vais continuer à étudier le français mais je vais avoir un autre* projet aussi. Je vais chercher un homme...un mari, en fait*. J'ai des problèmes de visa et pour rester en France je vais devoir* trouver un homme français très vite. Je ne sors plus* avec Étienne. Il n'est pas très sérieux et je n'ai pas le temps pour des jeux,* alors voilà*.

*another | *in fact | *to have to/must | no longer | *games | *so there you go

After work tonight, I am going to go home straight away. I have a great piece of news and I want to speak to my wife. In September, I'm going to receive a promotion! I am going to become the manager of the hotel where I work and I am very excited. Maybe in the future I am going to be able to buy a hotel, but for the moment the plan is to do a good job. Naturally*, I am going to work a bit more, but luckily my wife is going to stay at home with our children.

Today, I am very, very happy. In general, I am happy but recently I am a bit frustrated. I love my daughters (Anouk is two years of age and the twins are three months) and I love being a mother but I also love culture, languages and frankly, adults. So, I'm going to go to university to study a Bachelor of Arts. I am going to continue to learn English: the literature and the language. I am very excited and I am sure that my husband is going to be very happy as well.

It is 9:45am and we are going to leave soon. We are going to go to the doctor's at 10:30am because we have an appointment. My wife and I are going to have a baby this year and the doctor is going to do a check-up. After, we are going to go to a little restaurant close to our apartment for lunch. It's fantastic because it's our first baby and my wife, Amina, is going to stay at home and I am going to continue to work. Luckily, she likes my sister Leïla a lot. She already has children and Leïla is going to be able to help Amina with some advice.

Well, it's official. I am going to return to Paris to work at the Sorbonne University in September. I am in England at the moment with my children but I am going to leave in two or three weeks in order to find an apartment in the fifth or sixth arrondissement. I am going to be sad to leave my children but it's necessary unfortunately. It's impossible to find a position here at the moment. And I love Paris, it's true, it's just difficult for my children.

In September I am going to study English at the Sorbonne University. Me! A student! It's incredible. Usually, I prefer to party, it's true, but my girlfriend is English so I want to speak English well. I must do something. She is an actress and she works with English colleagues and I don't like it when we go to restaurants together and I don't understand the conversation. I don't like studying very much, but I adore Alexandra. Plus, my parents say I have to do something with my life.

I am going to return to university in September and I am very excited. I am going to continue to study French but I am going to have another project as well. I am going to look for a man...a husband in fact. I have some visa problems and in order to stay in France I am going to have to find a French man very quickly. I am not going out with Étienne anymore. He is not very serious and I don't have time for games, so there you go.

Ultimate French Resources #5

I remember doing a translation for a mining company several years ago. The job involved translating an instruction manual for some mining software. Since I wasn’t (and am still not) au fait* with either of these domains, I asked a French friend to help me out.

We met in a café in the city. He’d been in town all day, and didn’t know we were going to meet up. When he arrived, he was carrying a tiny backpack with him. We ordered coffees and got to work.

We struck our first problème* a few minutes in, and I was astonished when he reached down into his backpack and pulled out a battered copy of Le Bescherelle to check a conjugation. The fact that he had prioritised his verb book, along with a bottle of water and his wallet, spoke volumes about the value the French place on this resource. It’s also the reason why you should consider getting one if you’re serious about your French.



A little red book of verb conjugations, given to all French schoolchildren at the age of 10.


The design. It has the conjugations for over 12 000 French verbs, yet the book is compact and slimline. The secret? All 12 000 verbs are divided into categories according to how they are conjugated and then one very common verb from each group is chosen to be conjugated in full. That is, it is conjugated for all ‘persons’ (je, tu, il, elle, etc.) and in all tenses (don’t freak out when you see them all - there are a lot). The rest are found in the index along with the category number for easy reference.


It takes a little while to work out how to use it and it’s easy to mix up the page number and category number (see above). Once you’ve got the hang of it, though, you’ll wonder how you ever did without it. I know there are fantastic apps for French verbs on the market and I use one myself, but there’s something about the seriousness and accuracy of Le Bescherelle that I really enjoy. Plus, being able to look at all the tenses at once without having to move a screen around is a relief, franchement*.


There’s also a Bescherelle for very young children called Mon Premier Bescherelle Illustré* which is absolutely beautiful as well as a great way to improve your vocabulary!

Mon premier Bescherelle illustré.jpg

*knowledgeable | *problem | *pro | *con | *frankly | *My First Illustrated Bescherelle