Lingua Franca | Award-Winning French Lessons Brisbane

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French Christmas Food

A French Christmas dinner is traditionally shared en famille* on the evening of the 24th December. True traditionalists will have a light supper before attending la messe de minuit*, then return home to the real sit-down dinner, which can last until 4am!

Florence from My Parisian Kitchen, a bilingual French cooking blog, has published her top picks for a traditional feast below, and though times are changing in France as everywhere, a quick straw poll au nid* revealed the team were plus ou moins* in agreement. Bon appétit*!


And let’s not forget le champagne*, of course! As per the My Parisian Kitchen article:

This is not a dish but is actually something you definitely have to serve for a classic French Christmas eve dinner. You may want to pour in crème de cassis blackcurrant liquor to make a Kir Royal. But if the champagne is good, there’s no need!
— Florence (My Parisian Kitchen)

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*with the family | *midnight mass | *the champagne | *at the nest | *more or less | *Happy eating!