Lingua Franca | Award-Winning French Lessons Brisbane

French lessons, events & trips


French Films on SBS

With les vacances d’été* just around the corner, you may already be in the process of lining up tout ce qu’il faut* to enjoy some seriously relaxing couch time. Bol de cerises, coupe de champagne et un film français?*. We can’t help you with the first two but we can certainly point you in the right direction for the third, thanks to our friends at Rendez-vous Australie.

A web-magazine designed for French speakers who live in Australia, Rendez-vous Australie is a trésor caché* and our own Fiona Berrocal is on the editorial team (elle touche à tout* as they say). Dedicated to Australian news and culture but written in French, it’s a great way to take the first step in reading a French newspaper, which we know is a goal for many of you.

The team at RVA know their French films and where to find them. SBS On Demand has a fantastic collection of foreign films and their French compilation is particularly impressive. The full list is here, ranked by year and with links to bandes-annonces*, or if you trust our taste, we’ve selected a few of our coups de cœurs* below. Bon visionnage*!


En liberté !
(The Trouble With You)


Au revoir là-haut
(See You Up There)


Un homme à la hauteur
(Up For Love)


La famille Bélier
(The Belier Family)


La Môme
(La vie en rose)

*summer holidays | *everything you need | *Bowl of cherries, glass of champagne and a French film? | *hidden gem | *she has a finger in every pie | *trailers | *favourites | *Happy viewing!

Your turn to be teacher

See if you’re able to find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences. The first Chouchou* to contact us with the answers below will take home a Lingua Franca grammar cheat sheet! Bon courage!*


*Teacher’s Pet | *Good luck!

Swoon : Corsica

It’s always le bon moment* to be transported by la beauté* of France. Here, we present another spectacular French island, this time Napoleon’s birthplace: Corsica.


Photography : Pinterest

*the right time | *the beauty

At Sixes and Sevens

We use idiomatic phrases involving numbers all the time in English. Don’t believe me?

  • Back to square one

  • Behind the eight ball

  • Baker's dozen

…and I’m only up to the letter B on the list! It stands to reason the French do the same.

Here are some of our favourites.


La Petite Histoire

If you've ever done a group lesson here at Lingua Franca, you've probably come into contact with La Petite Histoire*. A tale with the very humblest of beginnings, it winds up becoming a rollicking schlockbuster as you move up the levels and your French improves enough to handle the outrageous (some would say impossible) turns of events of the six young friends.

La Petite Histoire is currently only available to our students, however La Préquelle is for everyone’s enjoyment. Below, the fourth instalment of this new series, which is written to an Absolute Beginner Revision level.

*The Little Story | *The Prequel


Ma fille, Anouk, est très petite. Elle a deux ans et c’est notre premier enfant. Ma femme, Leïla, et moi sommes très contents. Je suis marocain et Leïla est française donc Anouk est marocaine/française. Elle a les cheveux noirs et les yeux verts. Elle parle beaucoup et dit ‘maman’, ‘papa’, ‘merci’ et ‘mange’ tout le temps*. Elle aime la musique et elle adore jouer avec notre chat. Elle ne regarde pas la télévision mais elle aime danser pour nous. Dans le futur*, Anouk va parler arabe, français et peut-être* un peu d’anglais. Notre petite famille est très contente.

*all the time | *In the future | *perhaps


Mon mari Jean-Louis est un homme intelligent, fort et déterminé. Il est marocain mais il habite en France depuis* 10 ans. Il travaille dans un hôtel en ville et il aime beaucoup son travail. Parfois* il travaille trop, mais en général je suis contente. Je ne travaille pas en ce moment* parce que nous avons un petit bébé, Anouk. Elle a deux ans et elle est adorable. Jean-Louis a une grande famille. Tout le monde* habite au Maroc sauf Jean-Louis, mais il va au Maroc souvent*. Jean-Louis a de grands plans* pour notre futur. J’ai des plans aussi mais pour le moment* je reste* à la maison avec mon bébé.

*since/for | *Sometimes | *at the moment | *Everyone | *often | *big plans | *for the moment | *I'm staying

Ma sœur Leïla est une femme formidable*. Elle est très intelligente et elle parle français, anglais et un peu d’arabe. Elle a un petit bébé, Anouk, et elle est très contente. Elle ne travaille pas en ce moment. Elle reste à la maison avec le bébé parce que son mari travaille beaucoup. Jean-Louis (son mari) est un homme gentil mais il est très déterminé et ambitieux. Leïla aime la culture: les langues, les livres, les films et elle adore danser. Jean-Louis danse aussi, mais en ce moment il est trop occupé* donc ils ne vont pas aux bars et aux restaurants comme dans le passé*. C’est normal, je suppose. Ils ont un petit bébé.

*formidable/great | *busy | *the past


J’adore mon fils Timothy. Il a dix-neuf ans et il est grand, blond et gentil. Il va à l’université et il étudie* le commerce. Il adore les finances et il va travailler dans une banque internationale après ses études*. Il adore sa petite sœur, Sophie, et ils habitent ensemble dans notre maison à Londres. Je travaille en France en ce moment mais je vais en Angleterre de temps en temps* pour passer du temps* avec mes enfants. Leurs grands-parents (les parents de leur mère) habitent à Bath et pour ça*, je suis content.

*he is studying | *his studies | *from time to time | *to spend some time | *for that


Ma copine Alexandra est chouette*. Nous sommes ensemble depuis six mois alors pour moi, c’est une relation sérieuse. Elle est actrice, elle a vingt-trois ans, elle est belle (bien sûr*) et elle adore la musique. Alexandra est anglaise. Elle est brune avec les yeux bleus et elle est très sexy. Nous allons aux restaurants, aux bars et au cinéma quand elle est ici, à Deauville. Elle parle français parce que sa grand-mère est française. J’aime sa grand-mère mais elle ne m’aime pas* beaucoup. C’est bizarre. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi*.

*great | *of course | *she doesn’t like me | *I don’t understand why


Mon copain Étienne est fantastique. Il est très sportif et il adore faire de l’exercice. Moi, aussi. Le matin, nous allons au parc ensemble en face de notre bâtiment*. Nous n’habitons pas ensemble. Étienne habite avec ma voisine Sandrine (sa sœur)…pour le moment. Étienne adore les sports en général: le rugby, le tennis et même* l’équitation! L’après-midi, nous allons à la piscine et le soir, nous regardons le sport à la télévision. Je suis contente d’être sa copine, mais je suis très fatiguée avec toute l’activité! Mon copain est très, très beau et gentil, aussi, mais il n’est pas très intelligent. Ce n’est pas grave* - je ne cherche* pas de stimulation intellectuelle, vous comprenez*?

*building | *even | *It doesn’t matter | *I’m not looking for | *you understand?

My daughter, Anouk, is very small. She is two years old and our first child. My wife, Leïla, and I are very happy. I am Moroccan and Leïla is French so Anouk is Moroccan/French. She has black hair and green eyes. She speaks a lot and she says ‘Mum’, ‘Dad’, ‘thank you’ and ‘eat’ all the time. She likes music and she loves to play with our cat. She doesn’t watch television but she likes to dance for us. In the future, Anouk is going to speak Arabic, French and maybe a bit of English. Our little family is very happy.

My husband Jean-Louis is an intelligent, strong and determined man. He is Moroccan but he has lived in France for 10 years. He works in a hotel in the city and he really likes his work. Sometimes he works too much, but in general I am happy. I am not working at the moment because we have a small baby, Anouk. She is two years old and she is adorable. Jean-Louis has a large family. Everyone lives in Morocco except Jean-Louis but he goes to Morocco often. Jean-Louis has big plans for our future. I have plans too but for the moment I’m staying at home with my baby.

My sister Leïla is a great woman. She is very intelligent and she speaks French, English and a bit of Arabic. She has a little baby, Anouk, and she is very happy. She isn’t working at the moment. She is staying at home with the baby because her husband works a lot. Jean-Louis (her husband) is a kind man but he is very determined and ambitious. Leïla loves culture: languages, books, films and she loves to dance. Jean-Louis dances as well, but at the moment he is too busy so they don’t go out to bars and restaurants like in the past. It’s normal, I suppose. They have a little baby.

I adore my son Timothy. He is nineteen years of age and he is tall, blond and kind. He’s going to university and he is studying business. He loves finances and he is going to work in an international bank after his studies. He adores his little sister, Sophie, and they live together in our house in London. I work in France at the moment but I go to England from time to time to spend time with my children. Their grandparents (my wife’s parents) live in Bath and for that, I am happy.

My girlfriend Alexandra is great. We have been together for six months so for me, it’s a serious relationship. She is an actress, she is 23 years old, she is beautiful (of course) and she loves music. Alexandra is English. She is a brunette with blue eyes and she is very sexy. We go to restaurants, bars and to the cinema when she is here, in Deauville. She speaks French because her grandmother is French. I like her grandmother, but she doesn’t like me very much. It’s bizarre. I don’t understand why.

My boyfriend Étienne is fantastic. He is very sporty and he loves to exercise. Me, too. In the morning, we go to the park opposite our building. We don’t live together. Étienne lives with my neighbour Sandrine (his sister)…for the moment. Étienne loves sports in general: rugby, tennis and even horse riding! In the afternoon, we go to the pool and in the evening, we watch sport on television. I am happy to be his girlfriend, but I am tired with all the activity! My boyfriend is very, very good looking and kind, as well, but he is not very smart. It doesn’t matter - I’m not looking for intellectual stimulation, you understand?

World Wellness Group

We only dropped a basket of goods to our friends at the World Wellness Group a few weeks ago, but our panier* is already filling up with generous donations from our Chouchous*.

We’d therefore like to do a final drop-off before the Christmas break, so if you have any spare goods lurking in the back of your cupboard, we’d love to take them off your hands and give them to our fellow Brisbanites in need.

Helping to keep their community pantry with staples such as rice, pasta, canned beans and UHT milk allows the WWG to maintain their high levels of care.

All contributions gratefully accepted, none expected.


*basket | *Teacher’s Pets

La Petite Histoire

If you've ever done a group lesson here at Lingua Franca, you've probably come into contact with La Petite Histoire*. A tale with the very humblest of beginnings, it winds up becoming a rollicking schlockbuster as you move up the levels and your French improves enough to handle the outrageous (some would say impossible) turns of events of the six young friends.

La Petite Histoire is currently only available to our students, however La Préquelle is for everyone’s enjoyment. Below, the third instalment of this new series, which is written to an Absolute Beginner 3 level.

*The Little Story | *The Prequel


Bonjour! C'est le premier août, il fait beau et je suis en vacances! Je suis à Marrakech, au Maroc, avec ma femme, Leïla, et notre fille, Anouk. Je suis marocain et j'aime visiter mon pays*. J'habite en France, mais je passe* beaucoup de temps au Maroc avec ma famille. J'ai une grande famille. J'ai quatre sœurs et trois frères et tout le monde habite à Marrakech sauf moi. J'aime être avec ma famille. Nous parlons, nous faisons du sport ensemble, ma mère et mes sœurs cuisinent beaucoup et j'aime passer du temps avec mes cousins et cousines. Leïla aime le Maroc aussi. Elle adore les vacances ici. Elle aime aller au hammam avec mes sœurs et aller au marché pour faire les courses. Nous sommes très contents.

*my country | *I spend | *Moroccan bathhouse


Bonjour. Aujourd'hui il fait chaud et je suis à la maison des parents de Jean-Louis avec mon bébé, Anouk. Jean-Louis est au parc avec ses frères. Ils jouent au foot ensemble. La mère de Jean-Louis, Fatima, est très gentille. Je ne parle pas arabe, mais elle parle français (ouf!*) donc nous parlons beaucoup et cuisinons beaucoup aussi. Le matin, nous allons au marché ensemble pour choisir des légumes et de la viande pour le dîner. J'aime la cuisine marocaine et nous passons des heures et des heures à table. En France, nous sommes très occupés donc j'aime être un peu tranquille, mais de temps en temps je voudrais sortir* le soir!

*phew! | *around the table | *I would like to go out

Salut! Je suis en vacances avec ma femme Amina à Londres, en Angleterre. Aujourd'hui est jeudi et c'est le deuxième jour de nos vacances. Il fait froid donc nous allons à la Galerie Nationale. Ce soir, nous avons un dîner avec des amis anglais d'Amina, Robert et Beth. Leur fils, Michael, est un ami d'Amina. Robert et Beth habitent à Dorset mais ils sont à Londres pour le mariage de Michael. Nous allons au mariage samedi, alors* demain nous allons chez Harvey Nichols pour faire du shopping. Je cherche une cravate* et Amina cherche des chaussures*. J'aime beaucoup Londres, mais je n'aime pas beaucoup la cuisine anglaise.

*so | *so | *tie | *shoes


Bonjour. Je ne suis pas en vacances. Je suis à Londres, en Angleterre. Je suis anglais, et mes enfants habitent ici à Londres, mais je travaille à Paris. Alors, je suis à Londres et je passe du temps avec mes deux enfants. Ils sont très gentils, mais un peu tristes. C'est compliqué*. Ma fille, Sophie, aime les sports (elle joue au tennis et elle fait de la natation) mais elle n'aime pas beaucoup l'école. Mon fils, Timothy, est grand, blond (comme moi), il parle français et il voudrait être comptable. Il aime l'argent!. Mercredi, nous allons à Bath parce que mes parents y* habitent dans une maison en face de la cathédrale en ville.

*complicated | *like | *money | *there


Salut tout le monde! C'est l'été et il fait chaud ici à Deauville. Je suis à la maison de vacances de ma famille et je vais à la plage le matin, le restaurant le midi et le casino le soir. J'aime nager, j'aime manger et j'adore les femmes donc je suis très content. Nous avons une grande maison en face de l'hippodrome* avec un beau jardin. Mes amis arrivent demain et quand nous sommes ensemble, nous faisons la fête! En septembre, Deauville a un festival de film britannique donc* je reste ici pour ça. Je parle anglais bien et j’aime pratiquer avec des touristes. Je ne suis pas timide.

*racetrack | *so


Bonsoir. Je ne suis pas contente. Je suis ici à Paris et mes amis sont en vacances. Ce n'est pas normal*! Ils sont en Espagne, au Portugal et même* aux États-Unis. Je suis un peu jalouse*. Mon appartement est petit et il fait très chaud. Mon chat est ici avec moi, mais elle ne parle pas beaucoup, donc je suis un peu triste. Je voudrais être en vacances aussi, mais je n'ai pas beaucoup d'argent parce que je suis étudiante. Ma famille est en Australie et c'est très loin*. Heureusement*, ma voisine, Sandrine a un frère. Il est très beau et il habite avec elle maintenant. Il est très sportif donc demain, je vais au parc en face pour faire de l'exercice. L'appartement de Sandrine a de grandes fenêtres et j'ai un plan.

*It's not right! | *jealous | *far away | *thankfully

Hello! It's the first of August, it is nice weather and I am on holidays! I am in Marrakesh, in Morocco, with my wife, Leïla, and our daughter, Anouk. I am Moroccan and I like to visit my country. I live in France, but I spend a lot of time in Morocco with my family. I have a large family. I have four sisters and three brothers and everyone lives in Marrakesh except me. I like to be with my family. We talk, we play sport together, my mother and my sisters cook a lot and I like to spend time with my cousins. Leïla likes Morocco as well. She loves holidays here. She likes to go to the hammam with my sisters and to the market to do the grocery shopping. We are very happy.

Hello. Today it's hot and I am at Jean-Louis' parents' house with my baby, Anouk. Jean-Louis is at the park with his brothers. They're playing football together. Jean-Louis' mother, Fatima, is very kind. I don't speak Arabic, but she speaks French (phew!) so we speak a lot and we cook a lot as well. In the mornings, we go to the market together to choose the vegetables and meat for dinner. I like Moroccan cuisine and we spend hours and hours around the table. In France, we are very busy so I like being a bit quiet, but from time to time I'd like to go out at night!

Hi! I'm on holidays with my wife Amina in London, in England. Today is Thursday and it's the second day of our holidays. It's cold so we're going to the National Gallery. This evening, we have a dinner with some English friends of Amina, Robert and Beth. Their son, Michael, is a friend of Amina. Robert and Beth live in Dorset but they are in London for Michael's wedding. We are going to the wedding on Saturday, so tomorrow we're going to Harvey Nichols to do some shopping. I am looking for a tie and Amina is looking for some shoes. I like London a lot, but I don't like English cuisine much.

Hello. I am not on holidays. I am in London, in England. I am English, and my children live here in London, but i work in Paris. So, I am in London and I am spending time with my two children. They are very kind, but a bit sad. It's complicated. My daughter, Sophie, likes sports (she plays tennis and she swims) but she doesn't like school very much. My son, Timothy, is tall, blond (like me), he speaks French and he would like to be an accountant. He likes money! On Wednesday, we are going to Bath because my parents live there in a house opposite the cathedral in town.

Hi everybody! It is summer and it's hot here in Deauville. I am at my family's holiday house and I go to the beach in the morning, the restaurant at midday and the casino at night. I like to swim, I like to eat and I like women so I am very happy. We have a big house opposite the racetrack with a beautiful garden. My friends are arriving tomorrow and when we are together we like to party! In September, Deauville has a British film festival so I am staying here for that. I speak English and I like to practise with the tourists. I am not shy.

Good evening. I am not happy. I am here in Paris and my friends are on holidays. It's not right! They're in Spain, in Portugal and even in the United States. I am a bit jealous. My apartment is small and it's very hot. My cat is here with me but she doesn't speak much, so I am a bit sad. I would like to be on holidays, too, but I don't have a lot of money because I am a student. My family is in Australia and it's a long way away. Luckily, my neighbour, Sandrine, has a brother. He is very handsome and he lives with her now. He is very sporty so tomorrow, I am going to the park opposite to do some exercise. Sandrine's apartment has big windows and I have a plan.

My French Story

People pursue French for a fascinating array of reasons, and we’re keen to hear all about them. If you have a story to share, please let us know. We’d love to feature your unique histoire française* in a future edition of Le Chouchou News.

Here’s one from a couple of years ago, profiling the lovely Corinne. Merci encore, Corinne, et à bientôt!*



Corinne Sklavos




Absolute Beginner Revision

LF:    Corinne, quelle est ta profession?

CS:     I work as a medical scientist.

LF     Pourquoi tu étudies le français?

CS:    I am studying French to minimise my sense of unilingual shame on my trip to France in September. I have never studied a language before but I am having a lot of fun in my group lessons at Lingua Franca. I have some very clever friends that speak French. I like texting them in French when I can…it’s good practice for those irregular verbs (no wonder I’m le chouchou*). French culture just seems so cool to me too: wine, cheese, Dior…say no more!

LF:     Mot préféré en français?

CS:     My favourite French word is Billecart-salmon 🥂 #tchintchin

LF:     Merci Corinne, et bon courage pour Term 4.

CS:     You’re welcome, LF!

*French story | *Thanks again Corinne and see you soon! | *Corinne, what is your profession? | *Why are you studying French? | *Teacher’s Pet | *Favourite word in French? | *Thanks Corinne, and best of luck for Term 4.

Swoon : Île de Ré

It’s always le bon moment* to be transported by la beauté* of France. Here, we present the charming Île de Ré on the Atlantic Coast, just near La Rochelle.


Photography : on Pinterest

*the right time | *the beauty

Parisians speaking English

Here’s a challenge for you. Watch this video, and tell me that you don’t just fall in love with these Parisians trying out their English. A couple of things to bear in mind:

1) As a general rule, the French believe they are particularly bad at learning languages, hence all the comments about “I’m not very good”, “My accent is terrible” etc. (sound familiar?)

2) Despite the many mistakes they make, we can not only understand them really well, but they’re fun to listen to, non*?

*Don’t you think?


If you’re a person of un certain âge* who did some rudimentary French at school, we could almost guarantee you remember the phrase “Fermez la bouche*!”

Now we’re grown up, though, it’s time to expand our repertoire*, not only with a few more applications of the word bouche*, but with the real way to tell someone to shut it: ta gueule!*


*a certain age | *Close your mouth | *repertoire | *mouth | *shut your face

Ultimate French Resources #4

On the very odd occasion Word Reference fails me (see Ultimate French Resources #3), I turn to as a last resort.

Established in Cologne, Germany in 2008, Linguee is what is called an online bilingual concordance. That turns out to be a very fancy way of saying that the site trawls the web to find authentic documents that have been written in both French and English and places them side-by-side on the webpage. This is très pratique* when you want to see words used in their true context, not just in isolation as they often are in a dictionary.


A website of parallel texts, showing authentic, real-world uses of words along with how they’re translated in that particular context.


It is the very best place to find new words or néologismes, as they are called in French.

The example of social distancing below is a good one. Though Word Reference has now caught up, when I wrote about it in last month’s newsletter, it did not yet have its own entry. It was only contained in the forum, where members of the public had asked about it. Linguee, on the other hand, had examples months ago, as they use web-crawlers to find examples of the phrase being used in real documents across the internet.


There are two main things to watch out for:

1) Linguee’s review process is less stringent than a traditional dictionary’s. A human-trained learning algorithm is used to assess the quality of the translations so don’t stake your life on their accuracy, though generally they are more than good enough for learners like us.

2) Many of the bilingual documents are sourced from EU protocol papers and other government documents, so the examples do not make for the most scintillating of reading, though I guess that very much depends on your intérêts*.

The top section of the website functions as a simple dictionary, but it’s further down that you get to le bon matos*.

The top section of the website functions as a simple dictionary, but it’s further down that you get to le bon matos*.

Et voilà*! Seeing the phrase in context really helps you to see how it is used.

Et voilà*! Seeing the phrase in context really helps you to see how it is used.

*very handy | *pros | *cons | *interests | *the good stuff | *And there you go!

La Petite Histoire

If you've ever done a group lesson here at Lingua Franca, you've probably come into contact with La Petite Histoire*. A tale with the very humblest of beginnings, it winds up becoming a rollicking schlockbuster as you move up the levels and your French improves enough to handle the outrageous (some would say impossible) turns of events of the six young friends.

La Petite Histoire is currently only available to our students, however La Préquelle is for everyone’s enjoyment. Below, the second instalment of this new series, which is written to an Absolute Beginner 2 level.

*The Little Story | *The Prequel


Bonjour. Je m'appelle Jean-Louis. Je suis de Marrakech mais j'habite à Paris avec ma femme, Leïla. Nous avons un petit appartement dans le 18ème arrondissement. Je suis agent d'entretien* à l'hôtel en face du Musée du Louvre dans le premier arrondissement. Nous avons une petite fille et elle s'appelle Anouk. Elle est adorable. Je suis de taille moyenne avec les cheveux bruns et les yeux verts. Je suis fort, habile et déterminé.

Bonjour, je m'appelle Leïla et je suis mère au foyer*. J'ai 22 ans et j'ai une petite fille, Anouk. Elle a un an. Elle est jolie et contente mais je suis fatiguée! Nous avons un petit appartement près du métro Abbesses dans le 18ème arrondissement. J'ai un frère, Hervé, et une sœur, Amandine. Amandine a 17 ans et elle est étudiante à l'école. Mon frère a 24 ans et il est étudiant aussi, mais à l'université. Sa femme s'appelle Amina et elle est marocaine.

Salut ! Je suis Hervé. Je suis le frère de Leïla et l'oncle d'Anouk et j'ai 24 ans. Anouk est très petite et jolie aussi. Ma sœur est jolie mais en ce moment elle est très fatiguée. Jean-Louis travaille* beaucoup et Leïla est à l’appartement avec le bébé. C'est difficile, mais elle est contente. Anouk a les yeux verts et les cheveux noirs. Je suis marié. Ma femme s'appelle Amina et elle est marocaine. Nous habitons à Paris, près de la Seine, dans le sixième arrondissement.

Bonjour, je suis Simon et je suis professeur à l'université de la Sorbonne à Paris. Je suis anglais et je parle français, anglais et un peu d'arabe. J'habite dans un appartement près du Jardin du Luxembourg dans le sixième arrondissement. J'ai deux enfants, Sophie et Timothy. Ils habitent à Londres mais en ce moment ils sont avec moi ici à Paris pour les vacances. Sophie et grande et blonde et Timothy et petit et brun. Ils sont très différents mais très gentils aussi.

Salut ! Je m'appelle Roger et je suis étudiant à l'université de la Sorbonne. J'ai 30 ans et je ne suis pas marié. Je suis fils unique et je suis de Honfleur, en Normandie, mais j'habite à Paris. Je suis grand avec les cheveux blonds et les yeux marrons. J'aime les langues, les films et les femmes. Je suis beau et je ne suis pas timide. J'ai une copine...ou deux. Bon, j'ai trois copines mais c'est tout!

Bonjour tout le monde. Je m'appelle Noëlle et je suis australienne mais j'habite à Paris. Je suis étudiante à l'Université de la Sorbonne. J'habite dans un petit appartement dans le 10ème arrondissement. Je n'ai pas de copain en ce moment mais j'adore les hommes, particulièrement les hommes français. Ils sont très sexy. Je suis grande et jolie avec les cheveux roux et les yeux verts. J'ai un petit accent australien et les hommes français adorent ça, donc je suis très contente!

*a cleaner | *stay at home mother | *works

  1. Hello. My name is Jean-Louis. I am from Marrakech but I live in Paris with my wife, Leïla. We have a small apartment in the 18th arrondissement. I am a cleaner at the hotel opposite the Louvre Museum in the first arrondissement. We have a little girl and her name is Anouk. She is adorable. I am of medium height with brown hair and green eyes. I am strong, practical and determined.

  2. Hello. My name is Leïla and I am a stay at home mother. I am 22 years old and I have a little daughter, Anouk. She is one year old. She is pretty and happy but I’m tired! We have a little apartment close to the Abbesses métro in the 18th arrondissement. I have a brother, Hervé, and a sister, Amandine. Amandine is 17 years old and she is a student at school. My brother is 24 years old and he is a student as well, but at university. His wife is called Amina and she is Moroccan.

  3. Hi! I am Hervé. I am Leïla’s brother and Anouk’s uncle and I am 24 years of age. Anouk is very small and pretty as well. My sister is pretty but at the moment she is very tired. Jean-Louis works a lot and Leïla is at the apartment with the baby. It’s difficult, but she is happy. Anouk has green eyes and black hair. I’m married. My wife’s name is Amina and she is Moroccan. We live in Paris, close to the Seine, in the 6th arrondissement.

  4. Hello, I am Simon and I am a professor at the Sorbonne University in Paris. I am English and I speak French, English and a bit of Arabic. I live in an apartment close the Jardin du Luxembourg in the sixth arrondissement. I have two children, Sophie and Timothy. They live in London but at the moment they are with me here in Paris for the holidays. Sophie is tall and blonde and Timothy is short and has brown hair. They are very different but very kind as well.

  5. Hi! My name is Roger and I am a student at the Sorbonne University. I am 30 years of age and I’m not married. I am an only child and I am from Honfleur, in Normandy, but I live in Paris. I am tall with blond hair and brown eyes. I like languages, movies and women. I am handsome and I’m not shy. I have a girlfriend…or two. Okay, I have three girlfriends but that’s all!

  6. Hello everybody. My name is Noëlle and I am Australian but I live in Paris. I am a student at the Sorbonne University. I live in a small apartment in the 10th arrondissement. I don’t have a boyfriend at the moment but I love men, particularly French men. They are very sexy. I am tall and pretty with red hair and green eyes. I have a little Australian accent and men love that, so I am very happy!

Ultimate French Resources #3

The very first tab I open on my browser when I arrive at work each day is without fail It stays open all day and I would jump onto it at least ten times before I pack up my computer to go home. While not exactly a technophobe, I do tend to favour paper over a screen, but in the case of this fantastic online dictionary I have to admit that the digital version is simply supérieure*.

Unlike a hard copy dictionary, Word Reference is not constrained for space, and it therefore offers so much more than translations. Once you've typed in the word you're looking for and the 'direction' of the translation (English to français* or vice versa), you'll see the most obvious translations at the top (principales traductions). Next, you'll see some further translations (traductions supplémentaires), followed by compound forms (formes composées). Don't stop there though, for if you scroll all the way to the bottom of the entry, this is where things become really interesting: a forum where users can ask questions that have not been answered above. It's here you'll find some very recent developments in the language. For instance, in March when we all started talking about la distanciation sociale*, there were several people who had already asked what I wanted to know in the forum, though the translation had not made it into the top part of the entry. Let's hope that's a sign that this concept will one day become 'très 2020*'.


The best online dictionary we've found.


From students in need of a simple translation, to those on the cutting edge of the language who want to be able to speak of the very latest concepts en français*. Also really great for great big nerds, like me, who just loving poring over French words.


So up-to-date and comprehensive, it really is a credit to the developers. Also, for some of the more common words, you'll see a little speaker icon right at the top which allows you to access the pronunciation.


The quality of the advice given by the posters in the forum can vary. If you're able to, give preference to the senior members (Pie-Anne is a personal favourite - that woman 's knowledge of both French and English is époustouflant*).

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*superior | *French | *social distancing | *very 2020 | *in French | *best bits | *weak points | *astounding

Petit Poulet

We often have beginner students ask us if we know of any children's books that would be suited to their level. It makes sense - as a beginner you're really starting from scratch, as you do as a bébé*. What we tend to forget, though, is that before we start reading in our native language, we've already had years of exposure to words and sounds and our comprehension of the spoken word is almost perfect. Therefore, picking up a children's book in French is not as easy as it may sound.


This is why we were so delighted to discover this lovely little site. If you're a current Chouchou*, you may have seen a post about this great little site last week in the group Slack channel. In case you missed it, or for those who are not yet doing lessons chez Lingua Franca*, we thought you might enjoy it, too.

The French Experiment is a site dedicated to learning the French language. It's small but very well done, and when we saw the list of French contes* available, we knew we had to faire passer la parole*.

Though there are several tales available (there’s even an original love story between a whale and a bird), the one below is the only one to have been animated (so far). Though this is a high intermediate level, it is suitable for everyone as you can choose to have English subtitles, French subtitles or no subtitles at all. For the others, you'll find the story in French accompanied by lovely illustrations as well as the option to translate the text into English.

NB: Be sure to click on the red text “Watch the video” to see the animated version. If you click only on the play button, you’ll just hear the audio.

Alors, lancez-vous!* Les Trois Petits Cochons*, Boucle d'Or* and Le Petit Chaperon Rouge* are waiting for you.

*baby | *Teacher's Pet | *at Lingua Franca | *fairytales | *spread the word | *So, give it a go! | *The Three Little Pigs | *Goldilocks | *Little Red Riding Hood

Flirting with French

William Alexander is un homme d'un certain âge*, and he wants to learn French. More than learn it, as it turns out. He wants to conquer it. Sounding familiar?


"I'm more than a Francophile. I want to be French. There's one small obstacle though: I don't speak la langue française. In Flirting with French, I set out to conquer the language I love. Readers will find out if it loves me back. I eat, breathe, and sleep French (even conjugating — badly — in my dreams). I travel to France, where mistranslations send me bicycling off in all sorts of wrong directions, and I nearly drown in an immersion class in Provence, where, faced with the riddle of masculine breasts, feminine beards, and a turkey cutlet of uncertain gender, I start to wonder if I should've taken up golf instead."

So how does he fare? You'll have to read right to the end when William takes stock of his success (or other) in learning a language as an adult. Though we tried to source a local provider, it seems this book is not widely distributed, so if you're keen to read it, you're best off to find it here.

Bonne lecture!*

*a man of a certain age | *Happy reading!