Lingua Franca | Award-Winning French Lessons Brisbane

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Cheat Sheets - Complete set of 4

Absolute Beginner Cheat Sheet | Cover 900 px.jpeg
Absolute Beginner Cheat Sheet | Inside 900 px.jpeg
Beginner Cheat Sheet | Cover 900 px.jpeg
Beginner Cheat Sheet | Close up 900 px.jpeg
Intermediate Cheat Sheet | Cover 900 px.jpeg
Intermediate Cheat Sheet | Inside close up 1 900 px.jpeg
Advanced Cheat Sheet | Close up 900 px.jpeg
Advanced Cheat Sheet | Cover 900 px.jpeg
Absolute Beginner Cheat Sheet | Cover 900 px.jpeg
Absolute Beginner Cheat Sheet | Inside 900 px.jpeg
Beginner Cheat Sheet | Cover 900 px.jpeg
Beginner Cheat Sheet | Close up 900 px.jpeg
Intermediate Cheat Sheet | Cover 900 px.jpeg
Intermediate Cheat Sheet | Inside close up 1 900 px.jpeg
Advanced Cheat Sheet | Close up 900 px.jpeg
Advanced Cheat Sheet | Cover 900 px.jpeg

Cheat Sheets - Complete set of 4


Lingua Franca’s Cheat Sheets regroup all the most vital elements of French in the one place, and are fantastic for your spoken and written French particularly.

Pack all four cheat sheets.


Keeping all of the most important points in the one place, the Absolute Beginner Cheat Sheet will become your meilleur ami* the minute you open it. Including essential prepositions, numbers 0-100, the classic verbs être, avoir, aller and faire as well as the conjugation for regular verbs and much more, this is a resource you’ll want to keep à portée de main.

Students love the Beginner Cheat Sheet when taking their first steps towards speaking, as we encourage them to put down the books and to concentrate instead on getting the words out. Of course, we never want to leave our students unsupported, which is why so many of them cherish their cheat sheets and have them close by at all times. You know what it’s like: you start a sentence, and you know what you want to say, but you get halfway in and realise you can’t remember if you need to say ‘en France’, ‘au France’ or ‘à la France’, for example. A quick glance down at the prepositions for countries graphic and you’ll be back on track tout de suite*.

*straight away

Students love the Intermediate Cheat Sheet when they start to get really serious about their French. They’ve learned a lot, and understand it in theory very well, but when asked to put their French into action, they find they need a little memory-jogger from time to time to maintain their flow when speaking, or a handy reference to ensure their writing is as accurate as possible.

Students turn to the Advanced Cheat Sheet when they want to perfect their French, especially their verb tenses. The centrepiece is a deceptively simplistic-looking verb tense summary. In fact, it contains all you need to know about eight verb tenses, from their English translations, to their various constructions and sample conjugations for both regular verbs and exceptions. If ever you want to finally get those verb tenses straight in your head, this is the resource for you. En plus*, it’s so pretty to look at!

* And plus

Only 2 available
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Beginner Cheat Sheet includes:

  • possessive adjectives (mon, ma, mes etc)

  • vital prepositions (à, de, en, au, aux etc)

  • verb tables (être, avoir, aller and faire)

  • negation (ne...pas)

  • reflexive verbs

  • the present, past and close future tenses

  • and much, much more..

Intermediate Cheat Sheet includes:

  • possessive adjectives (mon, ma, mes etc)

  • vital prepositions (à, de, en, au, aux etc)

  • modal verbs (vouloir, pouvoir and devoir)

  • types of questions (open, closed and limited)

  • expressions of time (pendant, depuis and pour)

  • ‘how to’ tips for the construction of various verb tenses

  • direct and indirect object pronouns

  • and much, much more…

Advanced Cheat Sheet includes:

  • possessive adjectives (mon, ma, mes etc)

  • vital prepositions (à, de, en, au, aux etc)

  • modal verbs (vouloir, pouvoir and devoir)

  • expressions of time (pendant, depuis and pour)

  • direct and indirect object pronouns

  • adverb construction tips

  • eight-tense summary

  • trigger conditions for subjunctive

  • and much, much more...