Lingua Franca | Award-Winning French Lessons Brisbane

French lessons, events & trips


La Petite Histoire | Beginner Revision | Épisode 1

If you've ever done a group lesson here at Lingua Franca, you've probably come into contact with La Petite Histoire*. A tale with the very humblest of beginnings, it winds up becoming a rollicking schlockbuster as you move up the levels and your French improves enough to handle the outrageous (some would say impossible) turns of events of the six young friends.

La Petite Histoire is currently only available to our students, however La Préquelle is for everyone’s enjoyment. Below, another instalment of this new series, Chapter 1 (of 6) of the Beginner Revision level.

*The Little Story | *The Prequel

Quelle expérience! Aujourd'hui j'ai eu mon premier cours avec Roger, qui est mon tuteur d'anglais. Nous sommes allés au café à la fac, nous avons commandé des cafés et nous avons commencé à travailler. Je dois améliorer mon anglais et c'est Roger qui a répondu à la petite annonce que j'ai mis dans le Département d'Anglais il y a deux semaines.

J'ai besoin d'aide avec la grammaire anglaise, qui est très compliquée et pas très logique. Il y a beaucoup, beaucoup d'exceptions et la prononciation est difficile aussi. J'ai demandé à Roger de faire une révision des participes passés, mais il a insisté que nous commençons du début. Il a raison, je suppose. C’est important de réviser les bases.

Donc, nous nous sommes présentés en anglais. J’étais très nerveuse mais il a dit que je parle très bien et que mon accent était ‘mignon’. Il est français, mais il a passé beaucoup de temps en Angleterre, donc il parle très bien et il a beaucoup de confiance quand il parle anglais, ça c’est sûr. Puis, il a posé beaucoup de questions, comme ‘What is your name?’, “How old are you?’, “Are you married?’ et toutes les autres questions classiques. Après ça, il a décidé de faire une dictée, donc il a dit quelques phrases en anglais et j’ai dû les écrire dans mon cahier. Il a raconté une petite histoire à propos de moi et ma vie et il a même ajouté deux ou trois nouvelles phrases. Il est très créatif et un peu coquin. Une des phrases était “She has eyes the colour of crème caramel”. J’ai dit que la crème caramel est jaune et il a rougi et j’ai rigolé. Nous avons passé un bon moment ensemble. J’aime mes leçons d’anglais avec Roger.

What an experience! Today I had my first lesson with Roger, who is my English tutor. We went to the café at uni, we ordered coffees and we started to work. I have to improve my English and it’s Roger who responded to the notice I put up in the English Department two weeks ago.

I need help with English grammar, which is very complicated and not very logical. There are many, many exceptions and the pronunciation is difficult as well. I asked Roger to do a revision of the past participles, but he insisted that we start at the start. He’s right, I suppose. It’s important to revise the basics.

So, we introduced ourselves in English. I was very nervous but he said that I speak very well and that my accent was ‘cute’. He is French, but he has spent lots of time in England, so he speaks very well and he has a lots of confidence when he speaks English, that’s for sure. Then, he asked lots of questions like ‘What is your name?’, “How old are you?’, “Are you married?’ and all the other classic questions.

After that, he decided to do a dictation, so he said a few sentences and I had to write them in my workbook. He told a little story about me and my life and he even added two or three new sentences. He is very creative and a little bit naughty. One of the sentences was “She has eyes the colour of crème caramel”. I said that crème caramel is yellow and he blushed and I laughed. It was fun. I like my English lessons with Roger.

Presque amis*

You may have heard of faux amis* in French. These are words that look so similar to English words that they lull you into a false sense of security, having you believe you understand them without even opening your dictionary app. In the past, we’ve told you about blessé (not blessed but hurt), le bras (not a bra but the arm) and les préservatifs (not preservatives but condoms).

But there’s another group of words that may cause you even more trouble because they’re just a bit off. It’s difficult to explain and probably easier to just experience for yourself, so here is a little list for you right below.

*Almost friends

Tirer la Tronche

Je tire la tronche.

Recently, while (re)watching Episode 1 of The Parisian Agency, I was reminded of a great little phrase I’d heard the first time around. Tirer la tronche means to be unhappy, to pout or to brood. If you’ve seen the series, Valentin says it to his mère* just after he gets off the phone with Lisa, the lingerie designer, having just broken the news that someone else has put an offer in on the property she’d had her eye on.

Elle tire la tronche*,” he says.

Even without understanding exactly what he says, you can tell from their short conversation and Valentin’s body language that his client is not happy. This is yet another benefit of watching series in French - you’ll pick up so much from the many visual and auditory clues on offer. Tirer la tronche is just one of the new expressions I learned from this series and there are dozens more to be had. Croisons les doigts* for a second series!

*mother | *She’s pouting | *Let’s cross our fingers

Champagne shortage


The rumours started l’année dernière*, but if you’ve been in deep denial, it’s time to affronter la réalité*.

Oui, c’est vrai*, Australia is experiencing a champagne shortage and it looks like it’s going to get worse before it gets better. If you’re a champagne lover, this news may strike fear into your heart. To get the lowdown, we direct you towards Maud Piovesan’s article on the Emperor website for a detailed analysis.

Again, it was one of our Chouchous* who tipped us off as to this alarming development. Merci d’avoir partagé ces informations, Jillian, et bon courage*!

*last year | *face up to the reality | *Yes, it’s true | *Teacher’s Pets | *Thanks for having shared this information and good luck!

La Petite Histoire | Beginner 3 | Épisode 6

If you've ever done a group lesson here at Lingua Franca, you've probably come into contact with La Petite Histoire*. A tale with the very humblest of beginnings, it winds up becoming a rollicking schlockbuster as you move up the levels and your French improves enough to handle the outrageous (some would say impossible) turns of events of the six young friends.

La Petite Histoire is currently only available to our students, however La Préquelle is for everyone’s enjoyment. Below, another instalment of this new series, Chapter 6 (of 6) of the Beginner 3 level.

*The Little Story | *The Prequel

Je suis entrée dans le café à la fac. J’étais un peux nerveuse, je dois admettre. Avant de quitter la maison, mon mari a dit, pour la dixième fois, que c’était stupide d’aller rencontrer Roger, l’homme qui a répondu à la petite annonce. Et pour la dixième fois, j’ai dit à Jean-Louis que j’étais sérieuse: j’ai besoin de l’aide avec mon anglais. Ce n’est pas une blague!

“Comment je vais trouver ce Roger?” je me suis demandée.

Deux secondes plus tard, j’ai entendu:

”Hello! Leïla. Over here!”

À une table pour deux, j’ai vu un homme: grand, brun et très beau, je dois dire.

“Hello, are you Roger?” j’ai demandé.

”Yes, I am”, il a répondu avec un grand sourire. J’ai remarqué ses yeux bleus et ses dents parfaites. Il était très bronzé et il avait l’air sportif.

J’ai commencé à parler en français parce que c’était trop difficile de trouver mes mots en anglais devant cet homme.

”Mais vous ne voulez pas de l’aide avec votre anglais?” Roger a demandé.

“Oui, bien sûr”, j’ai dit “mais je suis trop nerveuse de parler devant vous”. J’ai rougi.

Roger a souri de nouveau et il a dit “Mais, Nicole, ça va. Nous pouvons prendre notre temps. C’est normal d’être nerveux, mais ne vous inquiétez pas, nous allons pouvoir travailler ensemble. Je suis confiant. Voulez-vous un café?”

J’ai dit “avec plaisir”, il est parti pour prendre des cafés, et j’ai essayé de respirer normalement. “Oh là, là!” je me suis dit.

I entered the café at uni. I was a bit nervous, I must admit. Before leaving the house, my husband said, for the tenth time, that is was stupid to go and meet Roger, the man who responded to my ad. And for the tenth time, I said to Jean-Louis that I was serious: I need help with my English. It’s not a joke.

”How am I going to find this Roger?” I wondered.

Two seconds later, I heard:

”Hello! Leïla. Over here!”

At a table for two, I saw a man: tall, with brown hair and very handsome, I must say.

“Hello, are you Roger?” I asked.

”Yes, I am”, he responded with a big smile. I noticed his blue eyes and his perfect teeth. He was very brown and seemed sporty.

I started to speak in French because it was too difficult to find my words in English in front of this man.

”But don’t you want some help with your English?” Roger asked.

”Yes, of course” I said, “but I’m too nervous to speak in front of you.” I blushed.

Roger smiled again and he said “But Nicole, it’s okay. We can take our time. It’s normal to be nervous, but don’t worry, we are going to be able to work together. I am confident. Do you want a coffee?”

I said '“with pleasure”, he left to get the coffees, and I tried to breathe normally. “Oh, dear!”, I thought.

Our favourite desserts

We wish there was a French phrase quite as good as ‘sharing is caring’ but English wins on that one - there simply isn’t a cute translation.

Cela dit* it won’t stop us from sharing with you our team’s favourite French things. From movies to meals, books to places, singers to perfumes, we’ll partage* it all and would love to hear what yours are so don’t be timide*. Add to the list by commenting in our “Sneak Peek into Le Nid’ series.

Here, nos desserts préférés*…


*That being said | *share | *shy | *our favourite desserts

La Petite Histoire | Beginner 3 | Épisode 5

If you've ever done a group lesson here at Lingua Franca, you've probably come into contact with La Petite Histoire*. A tale with the very humblest of beginnings, it winds up becoming a rollicking schlockbuster as you move up the levels and your French improves enough to handle the outrageous (some would say impossible) turns of events of the six young friends.

La Petite Histoire is currently only available to our students, however La Préquelle is for everyone’s enjoyment. Below, another instalment of this new series, Chapter 5 (of 6) of the Beginner 3 level.

*The Little Story | *The Prequel

Quand je suis rentrée de la fac hier soir, mon mari n’était pas content. Il était dans la cuisine, fatigué après une longue journée à l’hôtel.

“Un homme a appelé pour toi, Leïla”, il a dit.

“Ah, bon?”, j’ai répondu. “Qu’est-ce qu’il a dit?”

“Il veut t’aider avec ton anglais”, a dit Jean-Louis.

“Ah, super! Tu as son numéro?”, j’ai demandé.

“Leïla, il est français. Il ne peut pas t’aider avec ton anglais.”

“Ah, bon? Mais peut-être qu’il a passé beaucoup de temps en Angleterre ou il a de la famille anglaise.”

“Je ne pense pas, Leïla.” Mon mari est difficile parfois.

“Je vais appeler pour voir”, j’ai dit. “J’ai besoin d’aide. J’ai un examen le mois prochain et j’ai peur.”

Jean-Louis est sorti de la cuisine. Deux minutes plus tard, il est retourné et il a dit, “J’ai faim, Leïla. Qu’est-ce que tu vas préparer pour le dîner? J’ai travaillé dur aujourd’hui. Je suis fatigué, j’ai faim et je veux me coucher.”

Moi aussi, j’ai pensé, mais je n’ai rien dit. J’ai ouvert le frigo, j’ai pris des œufs, du fromage, du lait et des lardons et j’ai commencé à préparer le dîner pour notre famille.

When I cam home from uni last night, my husband was not happy. He was in the kitchen, tired after a long day at the hotel.

“A man called for you, Leïla”, he said.

“Oh, really?”, I replied. “What did he say?”

“He wants to help you with your English”, said Jean-Louis.

“Oh, great! Do you have his number?”, I asked.

“Leïla, he is French. He cannot help you with your English.”

“Oh, really? But maybe he has spent lots of time in England or he has English family.”

“I don’t think so, Leïla.” My husband can be difficult sometimes.

“I am going to call to see”, I said. “I need help. I have an exam next month and I’m scared.”

Jean-Louis left the kitchen. Two minutes later, he returned and said, “I’m hungry, Leïla. What are you going to make for dinner? I worked a hard today. I’m tired, I’m hungry and I want to go to bed.”

Me too, I thought, but I didn’t say anything. I opened the fridge, I took some eggs, cheese, milk and bacon and I started to prepare the dinner for our family.

Rillettes recipe

Since it’s not commonplace for rillettes* to be included on the menu at Australian restaurants, I jumped at the chance to order them recently when on a p’tit week-end.*

So inspired was I by the ritual of spreading the confit pork onto toasted baguette on a cold winter’s day, I thought I might have a go at making some myself. I found a recipe, but fainéante* that I am, as soon as I saw an ingredient I didn’t recognise and a cooking time that totalled six hours, my desire mysteriously vanished.

I then remembered that one of the équipe*, Caroline, had brought in some homemade tuna rillettes a few months previously and they were absolutely délicieuses*, and even more importantly très simple* to make. So, if you have a can of tuna, some other fairly basic ingredients and 10 minutes up your sleeve, making this recipe will be time very well spent, indeed. Bon courage!*

PS c à s =cuillère à soupe (soup spoon), and
c à d = cuillère à dessert = dessert spoon

*Meat, fish or poultry that's been chopped or shredded, seasoned with salt and pepper and preserved slowly in its own fat | *weekend away | *lazybones | *team | *delicious | *very simple | *Good luck!

Duo Lingo Podcasts

If you’re looking to take your first step towards listening to French podcasts, we may just have la solution* for you!

Many of our students are keen users of the Duo Lingo app. It’s especially great for beginner students and really helps to build confidence.

Duo Lingo has been improving consistently over the years, but this latest addition is really quelque chose de spécial*. Not only are the subjects interesting and varied, but the structure is very clever and particularly good for upper-beginner and intermediate learners.

There is an introduction by the host in English, then the interviewee speaks for a short time in French, before the host chimes in to give a brief summary in English of what they’ve said. This is repeated throughout the interview, and better yet, a full transcript is included.

I would highly recommend you give at least one episode a go. Tu ne le regretteras pas*.

Simon Hérault
Simone Hérault had the gift of a unique voice, but as a child, she was too insecure to believe in it. Still, her talent and dedication would end up taking her places she never expected…until she became one of the most familiar and beloved voices in all of France.

Aliénor Le Gouvello
At 30, Aliénor Le Gouvello set off to ride solo across Australia’s toughest trails. She gave herself one year to train wild horses and complete the journey. Riding ten hours a day, every day, Aliénor was determined not to quit — not for crocodiles, fire ants…not even for the handsome helicopter pilot she met along the way.

Les Moines Brasseurs
At age 27, Matthieu Landri said goodbye to his family and shared one last beer with his friends…then began his new life as a Benedictine monk. He longed for a spiritual life of contemplation and prayer. But soon he found himself embarking on a new journey: reviving the lost French art of monastic beer-brewing.

*the solution | *something special | *You won’t regret it

Vive La Révolution!

In the May édition* of Le Chouchou News, I did a round-up of the French films showing on Brisbane cinemas screens. I was happy to report that although the Alliance Française French Film Festival was over for another year, there was still a small range of films on offer.

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The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928) Poster C.jpg copy.jpg


Imagine my delight, then, when this email floated into our account a couple of weeks ago. Voici un extrait*:

Sacré Bleu! From François Truffaut to Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Dendy presents a magnifique curation of essential classic French cinema. Celebrating Bastille Day, and running July 1-28, the same month as the 2021 Festival de Cannes,

Dendy has collated twelve iconic titles, each either hugely influential in their own right, modern classics exemplifying the titanic talents of France’s celebrated film industry, or just possessing a certain je ne sais quoi. Between romance and drama, comedy and adventure, experience these films as they were meant to be - on the big screen- and rediscover the artistic cinematography, creative directing, and the classic splendour of these truly essential masterpieces of French cinema.

If you love French cinéma, please support this fledgling festival to ensure we have access to another 12 films (or more) in years to come. Bon ciné*!

Dendy Coorparoo line-up

Dendy Portside line-up

*edition | *Here is an extract | *Happy film-going!

Mika: Elle me dit

Here at Lingua Franca, our students have a variety of learning styles. We try to cater to all styles as much as we possibly can, but there is no replacement for the ideas our students bring to us about their preferred ways of learning.

Recently, one of our students, Nora, was telling her class that she’d found a song that helped her learn the placement of direct and indirect object pronouns. This is an intermediate-level subject, so for you débutants* out there just know that these pronouns are a future pleasure (!) laying in wait for you.

Before I get to Nora’s song, though, which involves a double object pronoun nightmare…pardon* “challenge”, here’s a song that shows the placement of a single object pronoun, in this case, the indirect pronoun me, meaning ‘to me’.


The song is called Elle me dit and translates as ‘She says to me’. Literally, it’s ‘She to me says’, as object pronouns are placed between the subject (elle) and the verb (dit) as you’ll hear over and over in this song.

By the way, for les curieux*, here’s a link to the lyrics in both French and English.

Also, look out for a star turn by celebrated French actress Fanny Ardant, who appeared in a blog post last month and whom many of you will know from 2019’s Belle Époque*.

Now here’s Nora’s chanson préférée*, which contains not one, but two, object pronouns. Called Je te le donne, it translates as ‘I give it to you’, or literally ‘I to you it give’. Clair*?

Though the placement and order of double object pronouns can be very complicated, this song gives you an idea of a rule that works for the most part (if you’ve been learning French for even the briefest times, you’ll know it’s not afraid of an exception, like all languages). That rule is this:

Indirect before direct and placed between the subject pronoun and the verb.


PS For those of you who are très, très enthousiastes*, here is the exception:

If both of your object pronouns refer to third person objects, the order is reversed. That is, direct before indirect. For example: Je le lui dis. I say it to him/her. Or literally, I it to him/her say.

*beginners | *sorry | *curious people | *Beautiful Era | *favourite song | *Clear? | *very, very keen

Expressions françaises

Some French expressions can be translated directly into English and retain their exact meaning. For example, the saying “better late than never” is mieux vaut tard que jamais in French.

Others, however, are more difficult to reconcile with their French counterparts, and therefore much more fun, too.

Allons-y*! See if you’re able to make le lien* between the following French and English sayings.


*Let’s go! | *the link

Crêpe Bretonne

Love a crêpe*? If so, you’ll be highly motivated to read the following passage en français*. If you find the task a bit fatigant*, though, we’ve provided an English translation for you below. Bonne lecture*.


La crêpe bretonne est un plat traditionnel consommé couramment en Basse-Bretagne. Devenue particulièrement renommée en France et ailleurs, elle est également servie dans des crêperies, nature ou garnie d’ingrédients divers, salés ou sucrés suivant la recette de base.

La crêpe bretonne peut être confectionnée à base de froment (crêpe sucrée) ou de sarrasin (crêpe salée, typique de Basse-Bretagne). Cette dernière est moins connue et ne doit pas être confondue avec la galette de blé noir, typique de Haute-Bretagne, et dont la recette diffère.

Compliqué, oui! Délicieux ? Sans aucun doute.

Breton Crêpes are a traditional dish widely enjoyed in Basse-Bretagne (Lower Brittany). Known not only in France but elsewhere around the world as well, you can get them from crêpe vendors where you’ll find both plain or stuffed with various ingredients, and savoury or sweet according to the recipe.

Breton Crêpes can be made from wheat (sweet crêpes) or from buckwheat (savoury crêpes, typically from Basse-Bretagne). Buckwheat crêpes are less well-known and should not to be confused with buckwheat pancakes, which are typically from Haute Bretagne (Upper Brittany) and follow a different recipe.

Complicated, yes! Delicious? Without a doubt.

*crepe | *in French | *tiring | *Happy reading!

MAI : La Petite Histoire | Beginner 3 | Épisode 4

If you've ever done a group lesson here at Lingua Franca, you've probably come into contact with La Petite Histoire*. A tale with the very humblest of beginnings, it winds up becoming a rollicking schlockbuster as you move up the levels and your French improves enough to handle the outrageous (some would say impossible) turns of events of the six young friends.

La Petite Histoire is currently only available to our students, however La Préquelle is for everyone’s enjoyment. Below, another instalment of this new series, Chapter 4 (of 6) of the Beginner 3 level.

*The Little Story | *The Prequel


Aujourd’hui je suis allée à la fac pour mettre une petite annonce sur le panneau d’affichage dans le café près du Département d’Anglais. J’ai écrit:

Bonjour, j’ai besoin d’aide! Je cherche un tuteur/une tutrice d’anglais. Je suis francophone mais je suis étudiante en littérature anglaise et je veux parler (et écrire) mieux.
Deux heures par semaine, ici à la fac. Préférence pour un(e) anglophone natif/native. 20F/heure. Contactez-moi au 01 33 57 98 22. Merci.

J’attends avec impatience les réponses. Je dois améliorer mon anglais. Mon professeur, Simon, est très gentil avec moi. Après notre classe hier après-midi, il a demandé que je reste deux minutes. Il a dit qu’il a réfléchi après notre conversation dans le café, et il a offert de m’aider avec mon anglais. Il comprend que je n’ai pas beaucoup de temps avec toutes mes responsabilités. Il a dit que c’est dommage parce que je suis très douée en anglais et que je fais des petites erreurs qui sont simples à corriger. Simon a dit qu’il a beaucoup de temps libre parce que sa famille habite en Angleterre. J’ai dit non mais j’étais tentée, je dois dire.

*Today I went to uni to put an ad on the noticeboard in the café near the English Department. I wrote:

Hello, I need some help! I am looking for an English tutor. I am a French speaker but I am a student of English literature and I want to speak (and write) better. Two hours per week, here at the uni. Preference for a native English speaker. 20 francs/hour. Contact me on 01 33 57 98. Thank you.

I’m impatiently waiting for replies. I have to improve my French. My professor, Simon, is very kind to me. After our class yesterday afternoon, he asked that I stay back for two minutes. He said that he reflected after our conversation in the café, and he offered to help me with my English. He understands that I don’t have much time with all my responsibilities. He said it’s a shame because I am very gifted and that I make simple errors that are simple to correct. Simon said that he has a lot of free time because his family lives in England. I said no but I was tempted, I must say.

A real name changer

You may know that Snow White is called Blanche Neige in French, but could you name her sept petits amis*?

As a reminder, in English they are: Grumpy, Dopey, Doc, Happy, Bashful, Sneezy and Sleepy.

Can you match the images to the French versions of their names? Bon courage*!


*seven little friends | Good luck