Lingua Franca | Award-Winning French Lessons Brisbane

French lessons, events & trips


Our French Adventure

We met Rhylee back at our old nid* in Masters St, Newstead. She used to attend lessons with her aunty which we all thought was such a great bonding thing to do (we’d all love une tante* like that, I think).

After a few terms, Rhylee and her aunty drifted off, as often happens. The road to learning a language is rarely a straight one.

Then, to our great delight, just a couple of months ago, we received an email from Rhylee to let us know she was de retour*. And this time, she was bringing someone with her…

So great to have you at the nest, vous deux*!

What made you decide to study French?

Rhylee & Ryan: We are moving to Montreal (Canada) in the near future and want to be involved as culturally as possible. Learning a language also seemed like a fun way to spend our evenings

How long have you been studying French?

Rhylee: We have completed four lessons with Absolute Beginner 1 and have completed some further private lessons with Julie. Our private lessons were a great introduction to learn new phrases tailored to our travels and answered our questions on how we can immerse ourselves in the day-to-day culture of living in a French city. This was Ryan's first introduction to French, however I had attended Lingua Franca way back in 2016. Lingua Franca was fantastic then and I knew it would be the best way to pick it back up again (it is!).

What do you like most about French?

Rhylee: French sounds very pretty and melodic and I especially like being able to read it. I have always adored French culture - it oozes style, art and sophistication and shamelessly I have always wanted to involved in that!

Ryan: I like learning something new and figuring out how it contrasts with the English language.

Any hard bits?

Rhylee: I love using different mouth muscles that I never have before but speaking is certainly difficult. Hopefully a few more lessons and I can build up that confidence.

Ryan: I find learning the indefinite/definite articles difficult and the gender identity of inanimate objects still gets me.

Do you have a favourite French word/phrase?

Rhylee: Enchanté - the reminder in my head is that it is always "enchanting" to meet someone new and it is also a delight to say.

Ryan: je ne comprends pas - this is a phrase not only fun to say but a reliable one and one I am sure I will refer back to many times in my French learning journey.

Goals with the French Language

I love the brightness and positivity of Lingua Franca and felt it was the best way to reach my French speaking dreams. My main goal is to be able to order dinner and drinks in a restaurant and I am sure I will be there in no time!

nest | an aunt | back | you two