Lingua Franca | Award-Winning French Lessons Brisbane

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Sneak Peek into le Nid | Fiona's back!

You may remember that at a certain time here at Lingua Franca two of our team were expecting babies within days of each other. On était tellement ravies* for Fiona and Josephine, of course, but their temporary departures left a very big trou* here au nid*.

Well, in great news, they're back, and here's an update on what Fiona's been up to. (Attention* Josephine, we're coming for you next!)

we were so delighted | hole | at the nest | Beware

Alors, Fiona, any big news from you?

Je suis de retour au nid!
I am back at the nest!

How old is Félix now and what is he up to?

Il a un an et il marche déjà!
He is one and he’s already walking!

Does he have a favourite French snack?

Il adore les petits Babybel.
He loves mini Babybels.

How about Vegemite? Is he a fan?

Il n’a jamais goûté encore. C’est trop salé.
He hasn’t tasted it yet. It’s too salé*.

Has he said his first word…?

Pas vraiment. Il dit “mamamamama”.... C’est presque “Maman”, non?
Not really. He says “"mamamamama"… It’s nearly “Maman*”, right? 

You were a very busy person even before having your baby, I imagine even more so now! Were you able to keep up with any of your other interests in the last little bit?

Malheureusement non. Je n’ai plus assez de temps...
Unfortunately, no. I don’t have enough time anymore…

And have you managed to get back to France?

Oui. Nous sommes partis en famille pendant 3 mois, de juin à septembre.
Yes. We went en famille* for three months, from June to September. 

How was your return to work?

Super. Je suis contente de retrouver tout le monde!
Great. I am happy to see everyone again!

And when will our Chouchous* get to see you?

Je suis au nid tous les lundis et mardis.
I am in the office every Monday and Tuesday. 

Do you have anything special planned for Nöel*?

Comme nous aimons bien manger, nous allons faire plusieurs repas de Noël avec des amis: le 24, le 25 et même le 26 décembre! ;-)
As we love to eat, we’re going to have several Christmas meals with friends: on the 24th, the 25th and even the 26th of December!

Merci, Fiona et Joyeux Noël!

salty | mummy | as a family | students | Christmas