Lingua Franca | Award-Winning French Lessons Brisbane

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Honorary Parisiennes

Have you long harboured a desire be considered an honorary Parisienne*? Me too, until the day I was strolling down the street in Paris, imagining myself exuding an impossibly French insouciance*, when someone leaned out of a car window and yelled: “Hé ! Kangourou !*”.

So while not all of us have what it takes to blend seamlessly into our adopted surroundings, it never hurts to try. Some even succeed, as this article by Australian Katrina Lawrence points out, herself deserving of the title, à mon avis*.

Merci pour l’inspiration, Katrina. J’adore votre site*.

Parisian woman | lack of concern/insouciance | Hey! Kangaroo! | in my opinion | Thank you for the inspiration, Katrina. I love your site.