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Père Fouettard

Les gens* often lament that things are just not like they used to be, and in many cases, it’s a fair complaint. The world seems to be changing at warp speed and it’s tempting to want to grasp on to the familiar.

However, there are certaines circonstances* when change is a positive thing and Père Fouettard is one of them!

No longer d’actualité* (you’ll see why soon), Père Fouettard (Father Whipper or Old Man Whipper) is a fictional (we hope!) character who accompanies Père Noël* on his rounds during Saint Nicholas’ Day on the 6th December. The story goes that while jolly Père Noël is busy handing out gifts aux enfants sages*, Père Fouettard dispenses lumps of coal to the naughty children. Fouetter is the verb ‘to whip’ in French and this is where this villain gets his name - he’s known to whip those rascals who have not been on their best behaviour all year.

As though that’s not disturbing enough, an alternative tale goes like this:

“An innkeeper (or a butcher in other versions) captures three boys who appear to be wealthy and on their way to enrol in a religious boarding school. Along with his wife, he kills the children in order to rob them….They drug the children, slit their throats, cut them into pieces, and stew them in a barrel. St. Nicholas discovers the crime and resurrects the children. After this, Père Fouettard repents and becomes St Nicholas' partner.”

Quelle horreur

Source: Wikipedia

*People | *certain circumstances | *in common usage | *Father Christmas | *to the good children | *What horror!