La Bûche de Noël*
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La Bûche de Noël is the traditional cake served at Christmas in France. If you’ve been interested in French language, culture or cuisine for a little while, you may very well already know this. However, do you know the origins of this most recognisable of desserts français*?
Tradition has it that on the longest night of the year (le solstice d’hiver*), French pagans would burn an enormous log to stave off the freezing temperatures, bien sûr*, but also as an offering to the gods to ensure a plentiful harvest in the coming year.
While it’s unlikely you’ll want to recreate the heat of a burning log in our sweltering southern climes, you may wish to set yourself the challenge of making this spécialité hivernale*. Voici la recette* (it’s in French but if you need some help, just click on any term for the English translation. Bon courage!*
*The Christmas Log | *Did you know that | *French desserts | *the winter solstice | *of course | *winter specialty | *Here’s the recipe | *Good luck!