Lingua Franca | Award-Winning French Lessons Brisbane

French lessons, events & trips


Museums of Paris

Though our travel options may be a bit limitées* at the moment, no-one can stop us from dreaming…or planning.

When Lingua Franca held our first Paris Summer School in 2019, we were absolutely blessed to have poet, translator and amateur historian Gilles Mourier as one of our tutors for the week. Gilles’ knowledge of French culture is virtually boundless, but he also has the knack of breaking down complex information into manageable (and very useful) chunks.

Take, for example, his simple way of distinguishing between three of the most famous musées* of Paris: Le Louvre, Le Musée d’Orsay et Le Centre Pompidou. It is tellement* simple and will be very useful to you in planning your dream itinéraire*.


N’OUBLIEZ PAS*: entry to many Parisian museums is free on the first Sunday of the month. Go here to dream (en français* or in English):

*limited | *museums | *so | *itinerary | *Don’t forget | *in French