Lingua Franca | Award-Winning French Lessons Brisbane

French lessons, events & trips


Masculin ou féminin

We know, we know! When we first start teaching you here at Lingua Franca, we break the bad news that every single noun in French is either masculine or feminine (that’s why some words start with le* and others with la* and others with l’*…but that’s another story…).

We also tell you just to accept that there is no rhyme or reason as to which category they fall into. Now though, with possibly a bit more time on your hands than d’habitude*, we feel it’s time to let you in on a couple of little secrets as to how you can make an educated guess.

Bonus points for anyone who can identify the person in the background, going about her day at le nid*.

*the | *the | *the | *usual | *the nest