La Maison Entre Les Rochers
Planning a trip to Brittany? Make sure you add la maison entre les rochers (“the house between the rocks”) to your itinerary. Located in Ploughrescant, the northernmost commune in Brittany, Castel Meur is *une petite maison en Pierre nestled between two giant granite boulders on a ruggedly beautiful coastline.
Also known as la maison du gouffre (the house of the abyss), the charming home was built in 1861, with its unusual location serving as protection from buffeting Atlantic winds and storms. Made famous by a postcard and drawing visitors since the 19th century, the “Big Castle” is privately owned and inhabited by a descendant of the original owner.
Unfortunately, this means the home is *fermée to guests – but you can still ooh and ahh from afar and fill your camera roll. You’ll want to.
*a little stone house | *closed