Lingua Franca | Award-Winning French Lessons Brisbane

French lessons, events & trips


La Petite Histoire

If you've ever done a group lesson here at Lingua Franca, you've probably come into contact with La Petite Histoire*. A tale with the very humblest of beginnings, it winds up becoming a rollicking schlockbuster as you move up the levels and your French improves enough to handle the outrageous (some would say impossible) turns of events of the six young friends.

La Petite Histoire is currently only available to our students, however La Préquelle is for everyone’s enjoyment. Below, another instalment of this new series, chapter 2 of the Intermediate 1 level.

*The Little Story | *The Prequel

Cet après-midi, Noëlle est venue chez moi pour notre leçon. On était en vacances alors ma belle-sœur ne gardait pas les enfants. Ils étaient à la maison avec moi. Je ne sais pas comment, mais tous les trois dormaient quand elle est arrivée.

”Hello, my friend!” elle a crié quand elle est entrée.

“Chut!” j’ai dit. ‘Les enfants dorment.”

“Ah, désolée, Leïla, j’oublie toujours que tu as des enfants.”

Noëlle est entrée dans notre petit salon et a mis son sac sur le canapé.

“Ah, j’adore ton appartement. C’est tellement intime !”

”Petit, tu veux dire” j’ai dit, et j’ai rigolé. Noëlle n’est pas toujours très directe.

“Ton mari est ici ?” elle a demandé.

“Non, pas encore. Il va arriver bientôt. Il est au travail.”

"Mais il est 14h30 et tu as dit qu’aujourd’hui il travaille jusqu’à 22h30.”

“Oui, mais il veut te rencontrer,” j’ai dit. “Il aime toujours rencontrer mes nouveaux amis. Il va retourner au travail après.”

“D’accord, je vois,'“ Noëlle a répondu. “Il travaille beaucoup, non ?”

“Oui, c’est vrai. Il travaille tout le temps. Il est très ambitieux et il adore son travail. J’ai de la chance.”

“Tu as de la chance, tu penses ?” Noëlle a dit, surprise. “Mais tu n’es pas un peu seule ? S’il est au travail tout le temps, tu es ici toute la journée avec les enfants. Toi, tu travailles beaucoup, je pense !”

”Oui, c’est vrai, mais ma belle-sœur garde les enfants quand je suis à l’université, et c’est le salaire de Jean-Louis qui paie mes études, donc, comme j’ai dit, j’ai de la chance.” J’étais un peu agitée, je dois dire.

“Mais…” a protesté Noëlle.

“On commence ?” j’ai dit. “On a beaucoup de travail à faire et je n’ai pas beaucoup de temps, malheureusement.

“Oui, d’accord,” a répondu Noëlle mais elle avait l’air contrarié.

This afternoon, Noëlle came to my house for our lesson. We were on holidays so my sister-in-law wasn't minding the children. They were all at home with me. I don't know how, but all three were sleeping when she arrived.

"Hello, my friend,"" she cried when she came in.

"Shhh!"" I said. ""The children are sleeping."

"Oh, sorry, Leïla, I always forget that you have children."

Noëlle came into our little living room and put her bag on the couch.

"Oh, I love your apartment. It's so cosy!"

"Little, you mean,"" I said, and I laughed. Noëlle is not always very direct.

"Is your husband here?" she asked.

"No, not yet. He's going to arrive soon. He's at work."

"But it's 2:30pm and you said that today we works until 10:30pm."

"Yes, but he wants to meet you," I said. "He always likes to meet my new friends. He is going to go back to work afterwards."

"Okay, I see," Noëlle responded. "He works a lot, doesn't he?"

"Yes, that's true. He works all the time. He's very ambitious and he loves his work. I'm lucky."

"You're lucky, you think," Noëlle said, surprised. "But aren't you a bit lonely? If he's at work all the time, you're here all day with the children. It's you who works a lot, I think!"

"Yes, maybe, but my sister-in-law looks after the children when I'm at university and it's Jean-Louis' salary that pays for my studies, so, as I said, I'm lucky." I was a bit agitated, I have to say.

'But..." protested Noëlle.

"Shall we start?" I said. "We have a lot of work to do and I don't have a lot of time, unfortunately."

“Yes, okay," responded Noëlle, but she seemed unhappy.