Lingua Franca | Award-Winning French Lessons Brisbane

French lessons, events & trips


Papier Tigre

For many, a love of language goes main dans la main* with an appreciation of fine stationery. There’s a sense of vast possibility in a blank page and a freshly-sharpened pencil that’s hard to replicate.

Imagine my excitement, then, when I came across the website of Papier Tigre*, une petite papeterie* in the heart of the Marais in Paris.

L’angoisse* soon followed, though, as I fretted that their gorgeous bloc-notes*, cartes postales* and crayons* would be unavailable to us, here at the other end of the world.

Happily, this micro-story has une fin heureuse* - Papier Tigre is available right here in Brisbane.

Bons achats*!

*hand in hand | *Paper Tiger | *a little stationer’s shop | *Anguish | *writing pads | *postcards | *pencils | *a happy ending | *Happy shopping!
