Les arbres fruitiers
All of the tutors here at Lingua Franca are French, with the exception of votre humble serviteur*. The team often comments on how practical the English language is, something that had never occurred to me before starting this job. They claim that things are often called exactly what they are in English, whereas in French the 'thing' has a totally different name.
For example:
C'est logique, non?*
So it's always a great feeling when you stumble across instances where French shows a logic that English lacks. It allows you to expand your vocabulary quickly and with a minimum of effort. So what is cette petite astuce*?
By adding the suffix -ier to almost any fruit, you will uncover the word for the tree that bears it. It's a great little hack and it works almost every time.
Note that while many of the fruits are feminine in gender, the trees are all masculine. We couldn't make it too easy now, could we?
*yours truly | It's logical, isn't it? | *this little trick