Instagram Lessons
If you're looking for some short and sweet French lessons from your very favourite French tutors (that's us, in case you're wondering), then jump over to our Instagram page! We've been posting a video every Monday for a number of weeks now so there is a good little stock to choose from. They're filed under our Instagram Stories.
For those of you who are unsure how to access them, click on our logo when there’s a red circle around it to watch the story of the day. To watch previous tips and lessons, click on the tutor’s icon just below, in the ‘highlights’ section.
By the way, we've received some really lovely comments recently about how you're enjoying our revamped social media which of course we love hearing, but if ever you have any other ideas as to what we could include please ne soyez pas timide*! We'd love to hear what sort of content you feel you'd really benefit from and enjoy.
*don’t be shy