World Wellness Group
For some time now, our Chouchous* have generously supported the World Wellness Group which provides medical care to those most in need here in Brisbane.
It’s hard to believe, but being in need even here in Australia can translate to not having enough to eat, so the WWG has a ‘Community Pantry’ set up in their medical centre, where patients can access basic staples to cook at home.
We delivered several baskets of goods pre-COVID and feel the time is right to start a new collection for those who need it most. So if you have any extra cans in the back of your cupboard you don't need, we'll have a basket set up au nid* from next week. Not sure what's needed? Jetez un œil* at our shopping list below.
*Teacher's Pets | *the nest | *Take a look
liste de courses
boîtes de conserve
haricots, pois-chiches, thon, lait de coco
riz basmati, nouilles instantanées, pâtes
légumes secs
lentilles, orge
lait longue conservation
pâtes à tartiner
beurre de cacahuètes, miel, confiture, nutella
petits pots pour bébé et lait maternel, couches, produits d'hygiène et de beauté
shopping list
canned goods
beans, chickpeas, tuna, coconut cream
grains and cereals
basmati rice, two-minute noodles, pasta
lentils, barley
long-life milk
peanut butter, honey, jam, nutella
baby food and formula, nappies, personal care items