Lingua Franca | Award-Winning French Lessons Brisbane

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Digital ‘coups de cœur’

We took a straw poll recently here at Lingua Franca to find about the team’s coups de cœur* in the world of digital platforms, whether they were des sites web*, des applis* or des podcasts*, and here are the results.

Remember, there is always value in taking a look at a wide range of media when you're learning French. Even if you don't think you understand much at all, you will pick up the odd word or phrase here and there and equally importantly, you'll be getting un petit aperçu* of true contemporary French culture.

*crushes | *websites | *apps | *podcasts | *glimpse

Ressource Peintures


"C'est un bon compte Insta juste pour zapper et se détendre"

"This is a great Insta page to use to just relax your brain"


Marie Claire - Idées


"Vu que je fais une tonne d'arts manuels, de la couture et du bricolage, je suis souvent sur ce site à chercher de nouvelles idées."

"Since I do a LOT of craft, sewing and DIY, I'm often on this site looking for new ideas"


Une souris dans mon dressing


"Je suis le blog d'une femme créative et que je trouve très amusante : "une souris dans mon dressing". Voici sa page Instagram."

"I follow the blog of a female creative who I find very funny: "a mouse in my wardrobe"" Here is her Instagram page.




"Aimant cuisiner et pâtissier j'utilise très souvent le site Marmiton."

"Since I love cooking and baking, I often use the Marmiton site.


Nouvelles Écoutes


"J’écoute beaucoup de podcasts et celui-là est mon préféré car il donne la parole à des femmes inspirantes."

"I listen to lots of podcasts and this is my favourite because it highlights inspiring women."


TED Talks - French


“J’aime avoir la possibilité de filtrer les vidéos par langue et regarder des TED Talks en français.”

”I like being able to filter videos by language and watch TED Talks in French.”