Lingua Franca | Award-Winning French Lessons Brisbane

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Le Carnaval

If you didn't know better, you could be thinking that life in France for Deborah is just one long fête*. In our last édition* of Le Chouchou News, Deborah explained la galette des rois*, and how this delicious 'kings' cake' is traditionally eaten on Epiphany Day.

This month, she's off to Pau's Carnaval Biarné. Pourquoi*? Glad you asked...

Quoi de mieux pour le moral qu’une vraie fête populaire ? Une fête gratuite, ouverte, qui vous aspire ! Carnaval, c’est une bouffée d’air pur dans un monde où l’on suffoque, un monde de plus en plus aseptisé et violent. Carnaval, c’est l’antidote à tous les maux, le plaisir de se laisser porter par une histoire fantastique qui mobilise tout le Béarn : celle du retour d’exil de sa Majesté Sent Pançard et de sa cour!

What better for the spirits than a true party for the people? A party that's free, open to all and lifts you up! Carnaval is a breath of fresh air in a world where we're suffocating, a world ever more sterile and violent. Carnaval is the antidote to all the bad. Let yourself be swept away by a fantastic story that brings together all of Béarn: that of the return from exile of His Majesty Sent Pançard and his court!

*party | *edition | *cake of the kings | *Why?